Poetry Contents


Table of Contents for Poetry in Friendly Fairy Tales 

by Brenda Davis Harsham

With reviews by people like you!

230. Color Pirate

There are many hidden colors among the ones which are visible to us, I guess. This poem is a gem!. I´ll have to tweet it right now… Love to you, dear Brenda! Aquileana ⭐ — Aquileana

This is stunning Brenda! I love the punch of color and the flowers how wonderful is this! I love your beautiful spirit! 😀 — MichelleMarie

I Love it 🙂 and even the way you begin and end your poem. — Yoshiko

I really am hugging you from afar for this lovely, bright house, Brenda. Then, I’m embracing sincerely the deep and meaningful thoughts behind the words you wrote. — reocochran

229. Gold Star Summer

i love your last line here. — ksbeth

How wonderful to have had a gold star summer. — Gallivanta

228. Mushroom Abloom

I love the idea of mushrooms as fairy umbrellas. I’m weaving that into my next discussion about fairies with my girls and am suddenly wondering if that will work for or against them ever eating them again… Great poem! — Louise

Your writing always makes me think of Monet’s paintings.
Beautiful, softly drawn magic, full of nymphs and flowers… — ceayr

I would never have associated blooming with a mushroom – I like that 🙂 — Dan Antion

227. Sundrops

The place of magic bugs–I want to live in that enchanting world, Brenda. The sunlit drops, the gurgling brooks, and tiny life forms that perform mystical feats that purely delight. A lovely piece of poetry. — peakperspective

magical, inspirational and touching! — mihrank

226. Blue Dragon

This is pure magic, from the photo to the imagery your words create. I cannot remember enjoying anything more. — AnElephantCant

I love the blue dragon and your poem and photo are so enchanting! — Cheryl-Lynn

225. Wildflower Heart

I love the ‘trembles towards the sun’! They do grow very tall, amazing they don’t fall over. I took a few pictures of some very similar looking pink flowers in my aunts garden a week ago, but they were soooo tiny, so probably not the same plant. I guess like humans, their faces can look very alike! 🙂 — Suzy Hazelwood

To me it was a reminder of strength and resolve right where you are. Beautiful. — Eli Pacheco

224. Green Magic

Such a peaceful feel to the words and your photo Brenda. I really liked it 🙂 — lifeconfusions

I got the sense of beautiful solitude but surrounded by nature. You’re not really alone then, but can find such solace. Beautiful. — Eli Pacheco

Today the promise of autumn is in the air and your poem was the perfect reminder that the promise will indeed be kept. — FairytaleFeminista

223. Phenomenal Bloom

How wonderful! Love the poem. You don’t have magic “still”. You have endless layers of magic yet to be revealed and we are lucky to see and read! — cindy knoke

 We have the same lovely flowers here in Ontario. Their vibrant colour growing next to delicately white Queen Anne’s Lace and brilliant yellow Black-Eyed Susan is enough to take your breath away.
Love your thoughts 😀 and Maya Angelou is my hero ❤ — Patrice

222. Magic Mirror

How On Earth you captured this heavenly reflection was a blessing to us all, Brenda! ♡ Outstanding photographic serendipity. Your words are equally lovely and vivid. That “Lady Sky” is so vain and fickle. — reocochran

Besides liking the cadence, excellent imagery. — aFrankAngle

The picture and words of the poem — both are amazing and wonderful. — sheenmeem

This is a lovely poem Brenda! There is a happy rhythm to it and the fairy-tale feel flows through in a most engaging way. It gave me a happy smile. Thank you. — emmylgant

221. Green Path

Wow Brenda – your writing always takes me to another place. I feel like i hear the Earth talking through your words. — Mary

Beautiful Brenda, words and photo 🙂 — Dan Antion

220. Vermont Twilight

I could feel myself there as all of these things happened! Dragonflies humming reminds me of late afternoon fishing! Loved! Danny — dray0308

A fairy tale in the shape of a lovely poem… Thanks for sharing, dear Brenda!… All my best wishes. Aquileana 😀 — Aquileana

219. Stone Turtle

Fit for a children’s book, for it paints a picture so simple and happy 🙂 — ASiD

You are the like Kipling of Vermont. Love these nature poems immensely. — cindy knoke

218. Vermont River Wishes

I am in awe of this dynamic and dangerous side of you. I liked the image of the jagged stones and steep cliffs being “bones.” How you end this makes it so powerful and “real.” Like an autobiographical image of a daredevil. — reocochran

Amazing photos and beautiful poetry. Nature is so beautiful, but it takes a special person to see and share it with others. — toniandrukaitis

Wow! I like the mood of this poem! It’s powerful and foreboding! — Kaiser44

That was wonderful, Brenda, words and pictures. 🙂 — Richard Ankers

217. Ghostly Echoes

So beautiful Brenda, you are part of the bigger whole. Lovely~ — cindy knoke

Ooh! This is deep and haunting! Nice picture to accompany the poem as well! — Kaiser44

I like all of your poems but this one stands out…..I extra like this one! — dragonflyzia

216. Mountain Cloudburst

This would make a good spoken word poem, I really like the energy and the story in this. Made me think actually, when it rains we often hide under umbrellas, drive in cars or run indoors, more concerned with getting wet than noticing the little drops of rain. We miss so much of the minute detail all around us. I shall remember this next time it rains! 😉 — Suzy Hazelwood

Amazing how you stir up such serene sentiments, come storm or sunshine! — christybharath

…I like the fog descending like ghostly legions and the pastel hues of the leaves are just lovely! The rain dancing makes me think of Native American Indians…etc. thank you for stirring up all these vivid mind images! 🙂 — krysiakorsak

215. Dappled Glade

I love the mystery to this Brenda, makes me think of my childhood and being amongst the trees and nature. I had a pretty large imagination,often wondered if I was not as alone as it appeared. 😉 This lovely poem sends me right back to those days. Thanks so much for reminding me! 🙂 — Suzy Hazelwood

This is wonderful. It reminds AnElephant that he always sees friendly dragons and secretive squirrels in dappled glades. Thank you. — AnElephantCant

Just what I was needing now, Brenda… 🙂 — Lily Lau

214. Fairy Tale Flowers

Amazing summer poem — susandorling

This is truly delightful. I just love your images you paint with your pen. — Oliana

A wonderful profusion of images and color! I love how the poem moves from garden images we know to creative fairytale images. Well done. — Joyce Ray

Love a poem about a garden! You do conjure up a wild and free spirit with this 🙂 — Tabatha

213. Covered Bridge

Just beautiful…I love the last lines.  🙂 — hitandrun1964

Covered bridges are always special in my mind, Brenda. I am in awe of your writing which evokes visions of history– who may have passed by and over the river. What plant life’s roots may be found in the hidden depths? Then, just like you to include lovers. ♡ They are found in a “gossamer” spider’s web full of potential in the “lingering traces of lovers past.” I was so glad there was mention of children, too. Especially joy shown in their clapping. — reocochran

How wonderful. I’m with the children – fairies have definitely lived here.  🙂 — Suzanne

212. Zinnia Days

That photo is stunning and the poem so romantic!I bet you could write just about anything, Brenda. — Oliana

Beautiful through & through! — RoSy

Utterly, fluttering-ly beautiful poem — christybharath

211. Bianca Belle

I love this, we should all be true to ourselves and revel in it! 😀 As for the flower, it looks wonderful, it seems familiar, but I have no idea what it is. — Suzy Hazelwood

I love her. She sounds like our kind of fairy:) Sweet and lovely story.  🙂 — hitandrun1964

210. Fairy Tent City

Oh that is so adorable!! A fairy campground:) — Oliana

Your words were so refreshing to read Brenda, Had a soothing touch to them! 🙂 — lifeconfusions

The imagery of your work continues to astound me! I love this.  — fromchrissywithlove

Very well done … title and pic alone work … but you take it one step further with words. — aFrankAngle

209. Forest Spirits

A beautifully written, magical piece. A true pleasure to read. 🙂 — afairymind

One of many masterpieces. Check out her poetry and photos. It is like walking in a fairy land!! — Oliana

Beautifully penned, dear Brenda… Your words flow like a river! Best wishes to you. Aquileana ⭐ — Aquileana

208. Bee Magic

Such a sweet post ! Reminding us of the importance of birds and the bees and the nature ! Wonderful 🙂 — lifeconfusions

Long live the bee…..we need them and their honey is a sweet bonus! 🙂 — dragonflyzia

This was a great poem:) being a science person and English person I’m glad to see a poem about bees! — Crestfallen Leaf

207. Fairy Queen’s Parasol

…you whisked me away back to hot summer childhood days with this exquisitely penned poem. Beautifully written and thank you for sharing your love and joy of Nature! 🙂 — krysiakorsak

I love the way you “see” fun and unique uses of all natural wonders, Brenda. When I was a child I saw some of these pictures in my mind. xo  I hope these lovely thoughts make it into your book to be published! Sooner rather than Later! 🙂 — reocochran

Wow your writing always amazes me – great imagery for this lady of lace! — Mary

simply delightful scenery you captured with your clever words and phrases…my fav: “…Hobnobs with nabobs…” exquisite! — Sun

206. River Drifting

Nice post! 🙂 You created a lovely scene with your words, and the water lily photos are beautiful. — imaginenewdesigns12

beautiful poetry Brenda, loved to see the vivid imagery of nature painted in your words…wonderful photos as well 🙂 — forgottenmeadows

“River Drifting” transported me to a tranquil and beautiful spot. — K.A. Libby: A Novel Enterprise (aka Karla Libby Reidinger)

Brenda, a spectacular poem. So much happening in nature, a breath of fresh air. — Connie Gildersleeve

205. Rain Chain

Oh I love the feelings you evoke. — Yoshiko

Splendiferous 🙂 I need to visit more often…I always leave with a 😀 😀 😀 — Morgan

You can almost smell the scent of the rain and flowers in this one! The poem makes a vivid imagery! — Kaiser44

I don’t think I remember my first full moon… I’m glad it was a magical moment for your daughter. She needs to always hold on to those! “Fun is full moon magic,/ On a long bright night./ Dew falls like raindrops.” I loved that. — Aussa Lorens

Just so beautiful and evokes the magic that is all around us…we just have to wake up to see it! So atmospheric and lovely! — krysiakorsak

204. Ode to Baby Kale

And the bunnies rejoice:) I love this…it’s wonderful. — hitandrun1964

AnElephantCant be angry
Though he admits it isn’t funny
This charming tale
Of how Brenda’s kale
Becomes breakfast for a bunny — AnElephantCant

I love the way you have described the growing of your kale and end it with the rabbits devouring it! It is just how it happens! — busy lady

203. Daisies Dear

What a delightful poem about the simple daisy!  ❤ — bkpyett

Your poem makes me want to run right out and buy some daisies. I’d love a little of that “smiling flair” in my yard. — Carol

I like daisies in all their magic simplicity. You expressed so much in this poetic tribute to their joy and beauty. — reocochran

202. Behind the Ferns

Gorgeous…on multiple levels. +0 — Bridget Magee

An iris dragon…intriguing image of garden dweller; lovely photo too! — lynn__

Gorgeous dragon, er, iris! Your poems and photos are simply magical 🙂. — jama

Ah you know me and dragons, Brenda — I love this one! And huzzah for the female dragon — don’t know why the males are so much more talked about. Perhaps the females are just better at stealth…  🙂 — Sunshine Jansen

201. Sunshine Captured

This was so beautiful and I love the way you enchant me. It took my blues away, Brenda. — reocochran

Those irises are stunning, Brenda!… And you words, encouraging and lovely… — Aquileana

200. Flying Carpet

Pain is a powerful voice, but it often inspires beauty, as it does here. — Michelle Heidenrich Barnes

Pain and beauty often different sides of the same coin. Bittersweet memories. Thanks for tapping into your core to write this poignant poem. —  jama

199. Azalea Magic

Fantastic photo and poem! — Bette A. Stevens

Lovely poem Brenda and a beautiful photo of Azalea ‘stealing the show’.  🙂 — lavendermoongirlblog

I’ve experiences all these, as well this year, and you summed up spring in New England very beautifully! — Matt Forrest Esenwine

Azaleas may steal the show, but you’ve captured spring in all its beauty in your lovely poem. — readingtothecore

198. A Moment to Shine

you’re right about it. the troubles will fade and the light will emerge. — ksbeth

The spark of creativity swells within us and cannot be stopped, Brenda. I love the beauty in the words you shared here, it could be a college poster! …. Thanks for the bright spot with the beautiful message and lovely iris! — reocochran

I just love the positivity of this Brenda! 🙂 It is glorious! I had a very horrible nightmare last night and woke up completely disturbed, and then reading this was so lovely! I thought I just need to forget the nightmare and put on my light so I can shine out into the world today too 🙂 ❤ — Trini Lind

197. What Peace Looks Like

So very lovely… the tiny bells, the poem and the memories that inspired it. — artists4peace

They are so delicate and beautiful. I hear tiny church bells ringing. — toniandrukaitis

Oh wow Brenda – I don’t know how you do it. Wonderful writing, just love it! — words4jp

196. Spring Rain Crescendo

I can almost feel the rain splashing in the way you wrote that, has a great rhythm! I’m sure that would make a very good spoken word with the right voice and a perfect music track with it. May you have rain Brenda, and everything be fresh as a daisy! 🙂 — Suzy Hazelwood

I like all your verbs! Perfect for a rain storm. — Penny Parker Klostermann

“Greens deepen/flowers glisten” Lovely imagery, Brenda! — readingtothecore

So joyous and rejuvenating! Love all those sensory details. I need my umbrella 🙂.  —  jama

195. Squill Overkill

Beautiful flowers and words. You always see such special insights. — toniandrukaitis

How beautiful Brenda!… You are very talented when it comes to words!… — Aquileana

A wonderful celebration of those flowers – I love the idea of a sapphire glade! Pink cherry blossom, with little blue flowers on the ground, and some lilly white lovelies here and there – my kind of dream garden!! 😀 — Suzy Hazelwood

Your play on words make your writing so enjoyable to read. Loved this as your nod of appreciate all things Mother Nature this Spring. — Mary

194. Wings Spread

I like dreams of being a bird of being like a bird. Your words were inspiring and beautiful, Brenda. Your sharing Jennifer was very nice, too. smiles! — reocochran

I love your poem dear Brenda… Memories of being a bird… And then being able to fly again… Beautifully penned, as always. All the best to you. Aquileana 😀 — Aquileana

Wonderful poem Brenda.. you captured the flight perfectly.. Enjoy a lovely weekend.. and May.. Hugs Sue — Sue Dreamwalker

193. Fairy King

Lovely. Every flower tells a story. — toniandrukaitis

Gorgeous imagery! Beautiful! — Myra GB

“Mantled” and “frilly” are such perfect word choices! — maryleehahn

Fun poem! There’s something about your metaphors that ring true 🙂 — Tabatha

192. Yellowest Green

I love how you captured not the daffodil, but that moment just before… — maryleehahn

Lovely poem, and such a beautiful description of Poetry Friday, too! May you have a very green and inspiring spring. :0) — Robyn Hood Black

I wish there were a ‘perfect’ color descriptor for yellow green, Brenda. I think there should be a word for Spring green. You make this very interesting and pretty sounding, using the yellowest green becoming the daffodil’s bloom of yellow. — reocochran

191. Fairy Squill

Magical as always, miss Brenda! — Kaiser44

I am so glad when you work the name of the flower into the poetry, this was so cool! — reocochran

190. Spring a ling!

Spring made me sing with joy, too 🙂 — Beauty Along the Road

I love the joy in this little song! — Laura Purdie Salas

A great way to encapsulate the spirit of spring 🙂 — Andrea Stephenson

Your cheerful poem and blooming spring beauties inspire and puts a smile on my face. happy Spring! — Sun

189. Catkin Cold

Cheshire Cat Grin
Oh spring
don’t disappear — Geo Sans

Perfect poetic progression… I love it… — Aquileana

188. Kwame Clerihew

Beautiful writing as always — Heartafire

Haha, real men eat poetry for breakfast – love that! 😀 I shall have to find one of those. I wonder what it tastes like – poetry! 😉 — SuzyHazelwood

I knew SOMEone was going to do a clerihew about Kwame! Well done on both your poem AND being the first one out of the gate! Good going for finding a suitable rhyme for Alexander too. 🙂 — Michelle Heidenrich Barnes

187. Ghost Leaf

“The writing is plain:/ An early calling card/ Of Lady Spring’s visit.”  I raise my cup of tea to spring and to you too…such a whimsical calling card and pretty poem for this season we await with such hope. Happy Poetry Friday! xo, a. — amyludwigvanderwater

I love the poem (“rimed”), but I also love the photo — how you get a glimpse of the whole (tree) in the part (leaf skeleton). — maryleehahn

186. Sycamore at Sunset

Oh! This is truly wonderful! — yeoldefoole

I LOVE sycamores–they are magic trees…. Thanks for this lovely tribute to a queen of trees! — gretchenwing

I like your style and the feel and pace of this poem. — Ted Calvin Kerns

185. The Love Challenge

Very lovely, and absolutely true!♥ I think love is heavy, and yet causes us to float. Love is often complicated, or perhaps it’s not at all, just that ‘we’ complicate it?!– SuzyHazelwood

Love Maya Angelou. But am impressed with yours as well. Love curves…Beautiful! — reneejohnsonwrites

your piece is absolutely lovely – elegant, touching – perfect. I adore it. xx — words4jp

184. Spring Magic

Spring! yes! i love your picture poem, Brenda! so creative you are and love your broken egg photo shot…best of spring when all the birds start to visit. 🙂 — Sun

What a gorgeous ode to spring indeed – and complemented so beautifully by the photographs! Perfect! 🙂 — Myra GB

Lovely, Brenda! My favorite lines are: “Foxglove’s speckled trumpets will play/
With snowdrops and magnolias in May.” So festive. — Michelle Heidenrich Barnes

Brava! Splendid poem and photos. I’m always in awe of those who can turn out concrete poems that actually work 🙂. Love the inclusion of fairies and baby robins. The quotes are perfect too! Happy Spring! — jama

183. Limericks Three

I love your poem and the excerpts and quotes by Irish authors… Tweeting this post right now… Many hugs, Aquileana 😀 — Aquileana

love your limericks and happy st. pat’s to you and yours, brenda ) — ksbeth

182. Sounds of Spring

Think not this quite contrary
But there is a Snow Fairy!

Your entire blog is a Snow Fairytale since months.. such beautiful one! — benvenutocellini

Oh, those geese were just giving you enough time to write this lovely poem! 🙂  Poets seek out nature. Maybe nature seeks out poets 😉  — Anne Theodore

181. Remembering Leaves

Beautiful!… Truly touching…. The last two stanzas really stand out!… I much enjoyed it, Brenda… 
Best wishes. Aquileana 😀 — Aquileana

Wow, I could almost feel the breeze in my ears and the sound of leaves swaying and green and sunshine – you transported me there! And then a sadness at the end. That works so well – excellent Brenda!! :)– SuzyHazelwood

180. Calla Curl

Love the feeling you give. — Yoshiko

Such a whimsy poem – Love it! — RoSy

179. Frosted Evergreens

Aahh, how beautiful Brenda! You really have been swallowed into a winter wonderland – in the loveliest of ways! Your poem sums up my delight in snow when I was a child – wish I could feel like that again! 🙂 — SuzyHazelwood

What a lovely poem and magical blog you have created Brenda… I believe I have found another divine sister in you… IAM going to enjoy following your journey… Wonderful pictures too… Barbara x — Barbara Franken

178. Snowy Trees

Excellent I love that – ‘Snowy trees up to their knees – Bend, creak, snap and sneeze’ – I’m sure they do, poor things out in all weathers! 🙂 — SuzyHazelwood

Wonderful writing Brenda, I remember that sound especially after an ice storm in Maine back in 2000 (snapping and breaking all night long). — Mary

177. Very Red Berry

The red pops against the white snow in the photo, and I like the images you convey in your words! — Christy Birmingham

I loved winter crimson. We have had here so much snow, and now the terrible cold is coming. It seems you can at least walk around, very pretty image! — Inese Poga Art Gallery

176. Wild and Stormy

Beautiful poem and picture! — Karuna

This was fun and also, a wild ride into the storm! — reocochran

175. Three Tree

Oh to be tiny, magic and free! Yes! — lsteinglass

Love the idea of a fairy toboggan! That has got to be the coolest tree trunk ever! 🙂 — jama

I love that you saw a triple-trunked tree, and saw a fairy toboggan course! And then shared your poem. :0) Thanks! — Robyn Hood Black

174. Flowers Bright

your blend of words is so beautiful 🙂 — Tanveer Rauf

so beautiful – just what the doctor ordered – another beautiful post from Brenda!! — words4jp

173. Winter Joy

Hi Brenda! I particularly like all the “s” sounds in the second half of the poem, “shrieks as boots fill with snow,” and the crooked smile. Very vivid and evocative! — Tabatha

Lovely image of the fun of playing in the snow. — Gallivanta

172. Bow to the Snow Queen

One of my favorite things to do after a blizzard is going out to help that elderly gentleman pine by my driveway, who sometimes can’t quite get up from that bow, and needs a little assistance from me and a broom — and getting a shower of snow for my good deed… And that dog simile — I love it! ^_^ — Sunshine Jansen

Beautiful, and a very good description of the sights around us today. — Dan Antion

Wonderful images, good rhyme . . . I like “shiver, like a dog with a shake and quiver . . .” — Freeda Baker Nichols

171. Stomping, Tromping

Beautiful poem.. full of imagery .. And Children love nothing better than to go stomping and tromping around in the snow.. I know my own little granddaughter could not wait to go out in her wellies.. 🙂 — Sue Dreamwalker

Such a delightful poem, Brenda. you made me feel the winter energy and youthful happiness that blow in with a snow blitz. it’s good to think like kids because most look forward to the snow play but adults are like, “OMG, let me go out and empty all the store shelves for supplies!!!!!” cheers! — Sun

Awesome Brenda – I felt like I was jumping around and having a good ole time in the snow. — Mary

170. White Queen’s Fall

Your verses would go well among the script of an english, Victorian movie… Maybe a film based on a novel by Jane Austen!~ Excellent poem. I truly liked it, Bren! Thanks for sharing and best wishes to you. Aquileana 😀 — Aquileana

Your poem reminds me of a Greek tragedy. There’s always a price, there’s always a price. — Imelda

169. Snow Day Wanted

You really capture the feeling of a snow “tease,” Brenda. I like the line “tickling trees” especially. My kids are holding their breath about tomorrow… — Tabatha

This is beautiful, and reminds me so much of those no snow days! How it mattered if it snowed – I prayed for snow!! 😀 — SuzyHazelwood

Love your poetry.. you are very talented with pen and photography.. 🙂 xx — Sue Dreamwalker

168. Frosted Pain

Je suis Charlie.

This was lovely and sad and powerful, brenda. — ksbeth

Your choice of the word cease-fire is excellent. I was disturbed to hear some of the participants at the Je suis Charlie rally use the word ‘war’ as in war for freedom. I prefer your ‘stand’. — Gallivanta

Beautiful collection of words, Brenda. It completely had my attention. Thank you for sharing! — paws2smile

Beautifully said Brenda. You brought tears to my eyes. ❤ — Silver Threading

167. Snow White Seeds

Beautiful poem and photo. I love the winter snow queen’s little sprites. 🙂 — lavendermoongirlblog

Ahhh, the magic once again happens when I step into your world, Brenda. Beautiful image and beautiful words, ones which I send to my gardens as well. Happy New Year, my friend!!! (((HUGS))) Amy — LadyPinkRose

this winter queen looks like she has come prepared to seed the entire garden! you captured this moment so well with your creative observations, Brenda. all the best in 2015! — Sun

I love that last line, “Come fill my garden with purple,/ Amber and Russet possibility.” I immediately thought, “my garden too please!” 🙂 Happy New Year! — circadianreflections

166. Found Magic

I liked your way of using the words, Resolve and finding magic. Yes, we all need to be happily dreamy and becoming like children again. — reocochran

A beautiful photograph and your poetry is superb like always.  — dbp49

165. Winter’s Golden Song

This one is beautiful. — Dan Antion

beautiful, and i love the lyrics of life, you’ve woven into your post. your 500TH! woo — ksbeth

and I found myself singing along… — kiwiskan

164. Christmas Wishes

Lovely. — Wordifull Melanie

Your site is a joy to see. — lbellucci111

What a lovely poem. — ladyfi

163. Gingerbread Joy

What is that song that reminds me of you? …… “Happiness runs is a circular motion, love is like a little boat upon the sea, happiness runs, happiness runs….” [by Donovan] I have no idea what this song is, but you remind me of it, because you create happiness, with every post. I hope you know how amazing you are. Happy New Year Brenda, to you and your family. — cindy knoke

Love love love this so much! — MichelleMarie

Good imagery … and Merry Christmas to you … and thanks for the goodness you share with everyone here. — aFrankAngle

162. Happy Solstice!

What for a nice poem. Greetings and a happy 2015 from Germany! — sl4lifestyle

What a lovely piece. I was happy to read after perceiving a tree shaped poem that it was meant to be a tree 🙂. Love it! — taja36

This is so beautiful Brenda, I love your shaped poem. 🙂 — Amanda ♥ Unique Art Chic

I loved this Brenda 🙂 The concrete shape is so clever, and I liked the addition of the Hans Christian Andersen quote.  — Laine Jensen

161. Frost Enchants

So touching and poetically beautiful ⭐ — Aquileana

Oh my. Gorgeous ….. — bearspawprint

this certainly dazzled my senses, brenda ) — ksbeth

160. Winter Wonderland

What you did with the inspiration from Carroll’s quotes, making a lovely story involving the season and characters is truly unbelievable. Excellent word paintings, especially the “tippy top of yews” and the phrasing which begins with “feathers fall…” You are magical, Brenda! — reocochran

Wonderful poems Brenda, as I’m someone who refers to himself as a Cheshire Cat, this poem is right up my alley! “Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who dream only at night.” — Edgar Allan Poe — Cyan Ryan

Oh I love your play on words about Alice! And the photo of course is a wonderland feast 🙂 — Christy Birmingham

This is so beautifully composed with such evocative imagery~ — cindy knoke

159. Evergreen

This was very well inspired by Browning, with a playful touch to it. I (of course) believe that Love is Evergreen… That is one of my favorite Barbra Streisand songs, too! Smiles, Robin — reocochran

Perfect ending.  ❤ — hitandrun1964

Lovely Shape Poem and play on the Browning name – I do that, it’s an excellent name to play off. — Cyan Ryan

Ah, that’s beautiful, Brenda!!!!  🙂 — marina kanavaki

158. Winter Goddess

Your poems are the best taste of winter I get, and it’s always moderated so beautifully — dbp49

Lovely imagery! — readinpleasure

That’s lovely, Brenda. I think it can be difficult to write a beautiful winter poem. You made it look easy 🙂 — Laine Jensen

So pretty – your words are the icing on the cake:) so lovely. — words4jp

OH this is Beautiful, visually, lyrically, Beautiful 🙂 I think the goddess is you 🙂 a Word Goddess 🙂 — Morgan

157. Catkin Fuzzy

🙂 this makes me Smile!  🙂 — Morgan

I have never seen such a creature. Wow. Love this poem of yours, as well. — Audrey Dawn – Oldest Daughter Redheaded Sister

156. Crowned Cats

Beautiful words and image.:) — janetweightreed10

Very Avant-garde and imaginative! I love it Brenda 🙂 — Cyan Ryan

Brenda – I feel there is a music attached to your words! — mihrank

155. Tiny Tree

Beautiful:) — janetweightreed10

Lovely. The contrast of the red leaves with the black water is wonderful and your poem is a delight. — Suzanne

So moving and well written! ❤ — cindy knoke

154. Blaze of Glory

Now this is a poem form I can understand, and I totally enjoyed it. It’s beautiful and I thank you for the education. I love learning anything new about writing. Thanks again. — dbp49

I love this poetry form and your beautiful leaves photo. — Leonas Lines

I loved this post. I hope you don’t mind that I linked back to you and mentioned you in my post. Great fun! Thanks for sharing. ❤ — Silver Threading

153. Foggy Bottom

Beautiful poem. — hitandrun1964

That crescendo thingy really worked! – nice pic too, captures the mood for this time of year just as much as the poem. — postaldeliveries

Wow! Nice job on both the syllable count and the mood crescendo. It worked!! (Don’t you love it when it does?) — travelosopher

152. Birdbath Central

So much atmosphere in so few words! Lovely! — postaldeliveries

This is lovely! I like the color and the movement and expressions. 🙂 — Imelda

I really like all your recent fall photos and poems. It makes me nostalgic for my boyhood home in Iowa with all the lovely fall maples. In Texas leaves are either green or brown… holding on by a rare raindrop… or dead. — authormbeyer

Oh, your words paint such beautiful and colorful pictures. The photograph was almost irrelevant… citrine, garnet crystal gems and the blue bird, (blue jay) could be a stained glass image of the birdbath circle of life. — reocochran

I could just picture that little robin with the singular toe, dipping and shivering, you are amazing my dear. Keep it up! — dbp49

151. Dragon Dreaming

I love it. I was wondering if you would mind if I printed this poem and sent it to my daughter to read to Mason, my youngest grandson. I think he would love a dragon. This is really good. Hugs, Barbara — IdealisticRebel

Your poem is just wonderful. You are so creative and create such magical imagery! ❤ — cindy knoke

I LOVE this – brilliant story — kiwiskan

I enjoyed this story/poem. I loved all kinds of tales as a child and still do (The Hobbit and the LOTR trilogy and The Lion, the Witch & The Wardrobe remain some of my favourites). My heart will always remain childlike – keeps me young! — Shery Alexander Heinis

150. Halloween Ballet

A great photo to accompany your poem. I can see the fairy ballet dancers extending those autumnal fruit tinted wings what a delightful fairy show:-) — lavendermoongirlblog

Beautiful words and image. — Lisa Lillibridge/Dakota 1966

I saw this earlier – I am absolutely in love with this piece. I actually had to execute a cabriole – they were a specialty of mine as a dancer – I was able to knock off triples;) of course that was in the 80’s but – thank you dearly for such a wonderful memory. xx — words4jp

Nice imagery! I like your connection to nature and costumes. 🙂 — cindybruchman

149. Happy Halloween!

Spooktacular! — RoSy

148. Pinking

Just the right touch of whimsy! 🙂 — RoSy

All women should be viewed in a positive light, and certainly not for looks. Where did that come from?!!! The more rugged a man looks or the more talent he has no matter how he looks, women seem to be attracted more. So why is it a woman needs to be physically attractive to be noticed? And women are as much to blame for that thinking as men…it’s so silly! Personality is what counts for me, in men and women. 🙂 — SuzyHazelwood

147. Ogden Nashery

Absolutely beautiful on all three counts. The ‘hopper, the Ogden Nash offering, and truly most of all, your rhyme to which I would take off my hat were I wearing one, but since I’m wearing two, the’re both off to you. — dbp49

Well done Brenda, I love that guy 😀 “The cow is of bovine ilk;/ One end is moo, the other is milk” — Mike

What an exciting sighting! The masses may find him tatty, but to me he seems quite natty, and I know Nash would agree! ^_^ — Sunshine Jansen


146. Bare Branches Bloom

Can sense the wind — Yoshiko

Brenda – this is such beautiful image by itself. You have a elegant touch to your post! — mihrank

145. Gossamer Milkweed Etheree

A highly visual piece of poetry. Love it. — mudpilewood

I love your photographs and your words. Hugs,Barbara — IdealisticRebel

Beautiful poem. I love it. Must have a try at this form which I had never heard of before. — Libby

Your poetry is so much fun and so nicely complimented with your photographs. Thanks for sharing — PrairieChat

144. Tree Bling

Vibrant, beautiful leaves, I love your tree leaf bling Brenda, picture and poem!  🙂 I found a quote the other week by Albert Camus “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” It just reminded me of your colourful tree by the river! — SuzyHazelwood

Beautiful rhythms sounding through your poetic words ❤ Love to you Brenda!, Aquileana 😀 — Aquileana

Love, love this uplifting piece and the beautiful art! — Heartafire

143. Journey of the Rainbow Leaf

Excellent verse and image….. — lengesinski

Excellent, Brenda… The ending verses are perfect! Best wishes to you, always, Aquileana 😀 — Aquileana

This is so lovely, so full with autumn and fantasy! I love the line ‘Then it’s sewn into a cape for the Harvest Queen’ the thought of a leaf becoming a cape makes me smile! It seems each passer by found a use for it – ideal recycling! 😀 — SuzyHazelwood

142. Sycamore Lace

very creative and beautiful dear….love to read this as an inspiration for the day today 🙂 — Kavita Joshi

You’re right of course, imperfection, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder – new patches are stronger than the old garment and our scars show where we lived to tell the tale. — postaldeliveries

So creative and beautiful as usual with you! — cindy knoke

141. Thistle Bristle

Bees are so unreliable! Super poem – I love things that rhyme. — postaldeliveries

aaaawwww  somewhere a speck of dandelion dust that had lost its way thanks you for these beautiful words — christybharath

I love the comparison to hedgehogs:) So sweet. — hitandrun1964

140. Get Your Orange On

what a happy poem and i ‘m so excited ) — ksbeth

Oh, I love it! So in the Spirit! It feels like October in Arizona, yea!!!! — bluebutterfliesandme

139. A Pine Tree Wakes

That’s such an elegant poem Brenda, so beautiful and perfect for this season! Did you take those amazing scenes?! 🙂 — SuzyHazelwood

Panoramic poetry Brenda, very much enjoyed this delightful mélange of lyric and scene. — Mike

Oh, it’s so beautiful Brenda!! 🙂 Both the lovely dreamy poem and the beautiful photos!! 🙂 now i want to go there! 🙂The poem and the tree made me think of the Ents in Tolkien’s universe, I love the Ents!! 🙂 — Trini

138. Sunflower Shining

What a lovely poem Brenda! And such a good picture of a gorgeous sunflower – every inch a lady – very elegant!! 🙂 — SuzyHazelwood

Adore this one, Brenda! Yellow is a happy color to me anyway. Today i need a big dose of yellow and sunflowers. Thank you so much. Hugs! — teagan geneviene

137. American Lady Butterfly

Magical! 🙂 — dramamistress

She’s beautiful and graceful and magic:) — hitandrun1964

136. Happy Fall

Beautiful Images!!! — lengesinski

Happy Autumn!!! 🙂 Or God Høst, as we say in norwegian 🙂 🙂 This post is gorgeous!! 🙂 It reminds me for some of reason of Anne of Green Gables! 🙂 I love that book! 🙂 — Trini

I like when you have your garden come to life, through your word pictures. I imagine the fingers of the goldenrod reaching out to touch the silky feel of the milkweed pods bursting open. I also enjoy your fairies quilts of colorful petals, Brenda! Fun times here, every day! — reocochran

135. Dragon Spines

It’s a great picture, but I LOVE the poem. dbp49

Dragons they are! Perfect capture, both the image and poem 🙂 x — beckarooney

Magical, Brenda. — Cynthia Reyes

134. Butterflies Wanted

I so love this post and all your posts! you have the magic touch, XO Jeanne Marie — thinkingpinkx2

133. Roses are Red

Brenda, your words provide a beautiful and magical song…and the image is so very magical…I love it all! Hugs! — Wendell A. Brown

Love the contrast of the red and blue, and your new version of this old verse. — Gallivanta

132. Red Feather

Beautiful poem Brenda! It expresses my usual feelings about approaching winter. — maggiequinn

Brilliant! Big Kudos to you. — Mike

131. Witchy Flowers Three

That was lovely -‘Even the sky weeps with longing’ – what a really beautiful phrase!! They are very YELLOW! Such a sunny flower indeed, I’m sure no fairy could pass them without stopping to admire! 😀 — SuzyHazelwood

Quite a combination of ‘bewitching’ going on! They do cast their spell on me, too! Smiles, Robin — reocochran

Oh you do this so well…. such beautiful writing … it inspires my imagination to take flight. 😀 — kelihasablog

130. Red Dragon Flower

This one really hit my heart. Wonderful.  🙂 🙂 — Lisa

Very nice poem, I like it. — Samm Sanity

129. Blue Wildflower

Had to look close to see the blue stamen. The petals look like little prayer flags. As always your light tripping into the fae world is a joy… even when I am up early now before the sun — julespaige

Beautiful. This little flower has endeared itself to so many over such a long time that I am sure it will be around for your grandchildren. It will make sure of it. 🙂 — Gallivanta

awww gorgeousness filtered through words lit by the sun! — christybharath

128. Sunset Charm

Gorgeous sunset with beautiful accompanying words. I bet that was a magical evening 😀 x — beckarooney

magical dialogue/ between/ words and image — Geo Sans

Perfect combination, with the beauty in the sky and the fun in a child’s giggles, too! Smiles! — reocochran

127. In-Between Weekend

beautiful and exactly how i feel today — ksbeth

Oh, what a gorgeous poem & picture!! 🙂 I love them both! 🙂 Big hugs to you Fairy-Brenda! 🙂 — Trini

Brenda you have just pierced my heart… I have lived a number of similar moments, similar thoughts almost as poetically unfolding in my mind as your creation while walking at our local Beach. Now all an unrepeatable Memory …some times happy to recall sometimes trying to forget to hold the tears back… Photos are not the same, but reading though brought it all back. May you enjoy many more! — Tigress 00 Eyes

126. Full Bloom

Wow! The color is fabulous! Your words are fantastic too! — Silver Threading

What a stunning photo and perfect poem. That is a lush bloom! — Ruth

125. Secret Folk

Delightful little tale!! I’m just imagining that elderly dragon, does he have a little white beard?!! Sunshine flan sound delicious! 😀 — SuzyHazelwood

How sweet, Brenda! Very nicely penned. ❤ — Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

124. Wild Morning Glory

The image of kissing the sun, is exactly how morning glories greet their days! — reocochran

I always feel a shower of beauty when I read your work. — words4jp

123. Dragons Hiding

Fabulous! You’ll have us all chasing after dragons 🙂 — olganm

A sharp eye, a creative mind! Bravo, Brenda! 🙂 — Fabio

122. Uncommon Dragonfly

I LOVE dragonflies! Beautiful words, too 🙂 — Enchanted Seashells, Confessions of a Tugboat Captain’s Wife

What a great photograph. Words and photo are perfect. — hitandrun1964

121. Adventure: A Sunlit Path

You wrote, “Always moving toward the next place,/ Where imagination filled in the wood with secrets,/ Caves, trolls, dragons, gnomes, friends and foe.” I love this! It’s how I feel when hiking. — circadianreflections

I’m always excited to see one of your poems! Wonderful work! — kmcrice2014


120. Something Blue

I love this one Brenda, so energising!!! And the last five lines really give a lost soul a lot of hope. ‘What was sad/ Can give you strength./ What stole your voice/ Can make you sing./ Remember the magic.’ This should be song! 😀 — SuzyHazelwood

Utterly Beguiling 🙂 — Morgan

119. Ode to a Japanese Beetle

I think you should submit this to a photography contest or put it on the cover jacket of your poetry book, Brenda! Gorgeous and thrilling to see this iridescent creature. — reocochran

Oh my! Is this the beetle you mentioned that likes the Lilies? Actually handsome-looking.  🙂 I especially like your last line — living life with a will. The way we should all live, huh?  🙂 — Sweet as a Picture

118. Make a Wish

Your words are like music – wonderful writing here. — Mary

i love dandelions and your words capture them so well — ksbeth

117. Rainy Renewal

This is beautiful…even the title is lovely. — Heartafire

Oh, Brenda, you gave me faeirie magic again. Thank you!!! I have a smile on my face! Love, Amy — AmyRose

116. White Magic

Beautiful white petunias! I like the ending of this poem.  🙂 — Sweet as a Picture

What a cute story – you always manage that little twist! Nice poem too, of course. — postaldeliveries

spectacular and ethereal “tale”…beautiful flowers as well. — Heartafire

115. Fae Rose Fairy

Oh I love that last line! It really tickled my gardener’s sense of humour 😉 lovely shot, such a pretty colour for a rose x — beckarooney

Must make a note of those ingredients. Clever fairy to make roses in a limerick! — postaldeliveries

You are a mixture of beautiful poet and amazing story teller!! Keep up your good work! I am looking forward to more! — Swetank

114. Marina Fairies

Love it! An excellent poem. — Bastet

Lovely. I can’t wait to get back down to our yacht now to watch those fairies play. — Libby

Oh, how lovely Brenda!! I like Marina fairies! 🙂 — Trini

113. Japanese Garden Magic

Now, THAT’S magic, indeed! Wonderful magic! 🙂 — Sweet as a Picture

Greening… what a beautiful concept, Brenda. Hugs! — teagan geneviene

Love this. The opening line had me right away:) — hitandrun1964

112. Frog, Alone

Thank you for reminding me about Frog and Toad. Such beautiful children’s books with simple and clear messages – like your poem. Beautiful. — menomama3

AnElephant, like the world, is grinning. Just wonderful! — AnElephantCant

111. Walden Ponders

Love it! — cindy knoke

110. Flame Skimmer Dragonfly

Very nice, Brenda, good catch. I love the playful quote, “Catch me if you can.” 🙂 — Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

WOW He’s a remarkable fellow  🙂 Lovely verse you’ve written for him !! — Morgan

109. A Prince, a Wince and a Shy Summer Fairy

Very good Brenda, I loved this little fairy story poem! Fairy cakes is what the British used to call cupcakes, cupcakes, seems to be taking over now, so nice to see a mention of fairy cakes! 🙂 — SuzyHazelwood

You always put smiles on my face… Lovely… — lumar1298

108. Moonflower

Wonderful rhymes, such pretty words and photo 🙂 x — beckarooney

Gorgeous! 🙂 I love your poetry. — Megan

Love it, Brenda! The flower looks luminescent to me! Wonderful post! Cher xo — seaangel4444

107. Silvery Sea Foam

There’s nothing better than a paddle in the sea! A perfectly captured moment 😀 x — beckarooney

what a wonderful laughter that is ) — ksbeth

106. Hieroglyphics in the Sand

AnElephant is enchanted by your words. Because they are magic and because he loves Mermaids. — AnElephantCant

This is supremely, magickally brilliant!!! — cpsingleton42

105. Seabird Sentinel

Love the idea that the bird is a sentinel! — Professor VJ Duke

Lovely as always, I do enjoy the mind voyage of your words! — Cassandra Gordon-Harris

Really meaningful and well penned, dear Brenda. I found these verses truly eloquent: Sometimes, on the inside, / Each of us is like that seabird,/ Watching others play, /Outside, on the edge of other things.
Thanks for sharing and best wishes, Aquileana 😀 — Aquileana

104. Cairn for the Sea

Really like this one – a lot! Great rhyming and flow and sentiment. Of course, all of your writing is good – I just happened to be one notch above too lazy today, (for now), and actually said so 😉 — risinghawk

Fantastic poem (I just love when they rhyme! :))! — paws2smile

As you know, AnElephant too loves the sea, and often writes about it. But with less skill than this little masterpiece contains. Thank you. — AnElephantCant

103. Stonehenge by the Sea

I feel a strong calming sense of longing and nostalgia in the piece — psychologistmimi

It is like Stonehenge by the sea! Very dark and moody in an artistic way, and your poem matches that mood, almost reads like the start of a novel, very good! 🙂 — SuzyHazelwood

What a clever way of looking at it – Stonehenge by the sea! A beautiful, magical piece of writing 🙂 x — beckarooney

102. Redwood Giants

Nice path for magic… Great poem to go along with it… — lumar1298

When I visited the Redwoods (not in Muir Woods but Yosemite) it was a bitterly cold late spring day — fog changed to rain changed to sleet changed to snow and back again as if whole seasons were trying to cycle in a few hours. People dragged themselves along the path to see them, grumbling under their breath at nature, but the moment they entered the grove it was impossible for anyone to care what the weather was doing. The hush and the towering presence and the timelessness overwhelmed even the young ones so sullen at being cut free from the digital world (“Cell connectivity is lost: thought without interruption” is such a great line!)… I don’t know when I’ll get back to see them again, so thank you Brenda for the mental voyage! — Sunshine

101. Rose Petal Path

O, wow, gorgeous! — Heartafire

Oh I love the scene you describe. It is playing in my imagination 🙂 — Yoshiko

100. Fairy Ballerinas

Wow I love these! — MichelleMarie

“…petal skirts twirl open in full circles.” Sigh. — hitandrun1964

You make the flowers dance. 🙂 — Gallivanta

99. Orange You Blue?

Such a beautiful poem. A great one to lift your spirit. — Megan

You know how to weave and spin those words, using the gossamer of your silken words and the magic of that beautiful mind of yours! The photograph and poetry were gorgeous! Smiles, Robin — reocochran

I love this! Amazing writing. — Mary

98. Fairy Ball Gowns

Absolutely a fairy gown!! 😀 Love the quote above too, altogether quite a beautiful ball gown post! 🙂 — SuzyHazelwood

she is the cinderella of the flower world, in all her natural beauty ) — ksbeth

97. Mushroom from Nature’s Loom

Lovely, Brenda, photo and poem. I am very fond of mushrooms/toadstools, especially in fall. — colorpencil2014

Nature in it’s most fascinating form. — Heartafire

96. Joyful Heart

Lovely photo and great summery photo..I have a thing for a sweet overgrown fence: it usually promises a beautiful garden! — colorpencil2014

Beautiful Brenda, I loved that. 🙂 — richardankerswrites

95. Happy Independence Day

LOL Great picture to go with your poem:) — hitandrun1964

That sounds so happy and fun! You’ve captured the essense of celebration in your words Brenda. — Dagny

94. Pink Firewitch

Truly magical. Thank you. — Corina Victoria Sein

So pretty! Giving beauty and breathing life to nature and how they are all interdependent. Bees chatting, tasting nectar, olive how you write! — Tracesofthesoul

Beautiful description with lovely dancing words. — toniandrukaitis

93. Sisters

That’s so lovely Brenda!♥ And memories of sharing and love never do fade. and I love the (Thoughts blooming,/ Possibilities looming) I get that with my brother and also my close friend. Connections like that are irreplaceable! 🙂 — SuzyHazelwood

Oh, Brenda, this is absolutely precious. What a perfect image you captured. Just wow. And your poem put tears in my eyes. Thank you. Love, Amy — AmyRose

92. Flower Bower

Lovely!! 😀 — becca givens

Love this…My youngest daughter loves Fairies. She had me paint a fairy Door to place next to our front door so they would know they were welcome in our home. — humptydumptymuralmagic

91. Pink-Gold Sun

Wow! What an outburst of beautiful light! Like how you used this photo to create a lovely poem and post! — Bastet

The embrace of the sun reminds me of a poem my grandmother had over her kitchen sink. It had the sun kissing something. I am not sure if I could find the ‘kiss of the sun’ upon the flowers, but it made me remember my grandmother. For this poem, I am so thankful for the memories, Brenda, that it evoked! Smiles, Robin — reocochran

90. White Butterfly Dream

Fabulous!  🙂 — restlessjo

That’s a gorgeous cornus! Your words describe it wonderfully, it does look like a white butterfly 😀 x — beckarooney

Aahh, stunningly beautiful Brenda, I really floated with that poem! I find butterflies always inspire some wonderful poetry! 🙂 — SuzyHazelwood

89. Papa Poppy

A beautiful allegory Brenda. — Mike

Wow you have a full list of wonderful fatherly examples! Blessings to you sweet friend! 💗💗 — MichelleMarie

I thought the picture was ‘precious’ and the words you chose: exactly right! Wonderful and it would be extra-special for our family, since my grandkids’ grandpa goes by the name of “Poppi!” (My first husband his third wife chose, “Mimi and Poppi,” as their nicknames! Smiles and have a wonderful Father’s Day, Brenda! — reocochran

88. Succor for Soul Ninette

Beautiful words and presentation! 💗💗 — MichelleMarie

Great ninette! Love the texture of the garden, very beautiful! — Midwestern Plant Girl

Fantastic Brenda 🙂 and I do Love Succulents 🙂 Perfect form as well, as it mirrors their pointy little bodies 🙂 — Morgan

87. Fairy Tale Flower

This was a great way to add the authors Grimm! I loved the way the flowers looked all dewy and enchanted! — reocochran

More magic ‘painted’ in words and a photograph. Inspired writing Brenda. I love both the poem and the photograph. Perfect. — thecobweboriumemporium

How I love to read your “Fairy Tales,” Brenda! Lovely pictures to accompany them. 🙂 — kcg1974

86. Bumblebee, Bumblebee

 Aw Brenda this is SO lovely. The poem is perfect and the photograph of the Bee even more so. I adore Bumble Bees – and love to watch them collecting their ‘swag’. I’m quite sure my neighbours must think I’m crazy – I’ve been known to follow a Bumble Bee around my garden, watching it as it stops and tastes all my flowers. Oh heck – I’ve just realised that I’m a Bee Stalker!!! eeek! 😀 ~ Cobs. x — thecobweboriumemporium

Buzzzzz worthy cuteness:) — words4jp

Such a lovely, fun verse! 🙂 — Joanne


85. Diamond Rain Tanka

This was a beautiful expression of how the photos made me feel! I love the idea of diamonds and will see them now when I notice dew drops! Smiles, Robin — reocochran

yes, and each day is a chance for renewal, even after the shiniest of rains. — ksbeth

Beautiful poem and photo! Diamonds for sure! — MichelleMarie

84. Rhododendron Fairy Cafe

Great little conversation, and I love the honeysuckle frappuccino!!! 😀 Those flowers do look perfect for a fairy baby nursery, they swing in them like hammocks! — SuzyHazelwood

Natalie (5) “That’s very cool!”
Lizzie (7) “That was awesome. You wrote a very good fairy tale”
Hannah (9) “Really cool!” — Lisa

So beautiful and eye catching. — afsheenanjum

83. Honeysuckle

What a sweet poem and such a delicate flower to go along with it. I love this, Brenda! — Amy Pinkrose

Oh, so lovely Brenda! I remember the sweet fragrance of honeysuckle from Quito, Ecuador. We don’t have them in Norway, but in Quito they grew in abundance! 🙂 And what a lovely poem! Just as sweet as that fragrance of honeysuckle! 🙂 — Line

82. Lilac Longing

This is totally delightful, Brenda ! — mooonalila

I saw the title and instantly thought of my Grandmother… 🙂 she had beautiful Lilacs and I still can draw in the memory of the fragrance from them when I think of her. Yes, some aches are precious. Thank you Brenda, for the memory your post brought and for the BEAUTIFUL photos of the Lilacs… Take Care… You Matter… )0( maryrose — LadyBlueRose’s Thoughts Into Words

Brenda, I can say I don’t ever remember seeing Lilac’s like that, WOW what beautiful pictures, and the words so fitting. Take care, Bill — FlaHam

81. Forsythia Fairy Path

Everyone loves the brilliant yellow of forsythias and this poem does the flower ‘proud!’ This was a splendid and bright post today! That fairy was a ‘force to be reckoned with!’ Hugs, Robin — reocochran

This is beautiful. So whimsical it lends magic to the whole scene, until I began to see the flight of a fairy. — mbarkersimpson

Love the visual that the line ” I catch a glimpse of a fairy in flight, sublime,” gives me! 🙂~Karen~ — drapersmeadow4

80. White Wakerobin: Alliterative Haiku

I love the idea of the long tongued bees!! 😀 That’s a really lovely flower – very pretty! — SuzyHazelwood

So lovely, both your words and photo! — thehappyhugger

Very nice Brenda. I had not ever heard of this Haiku before. Love it! — Leonas Lines

79. Nature’s Joy for Moms

Beautiful pictures and words. Love the alliteration! Enjoy your day. 🙂 — Gratitudenist

All that colour is blinding! A spectacular show of photos 😀 a beautiful tribute to mums everywhere, lovely writing x — beckarooney

Gorgeous happy words and pictures. Happy Mother’s Day to you Brenda. 🙂 x — scottishmomus

78. Clarity Pyramid: FAE

Magnificent! You have a gift, and no matter what the subject matter, your poetry is inspiring. It’s easy to see the magic when painted with such beautiful words 🙂 — mbarkersimpson

A Fairylicious magic-dream, enchantingly delightful! 🙂 🙂 🙂 — Line

Nice work. What a strange poetic form though – I can see why you got inspired by it. I’m finding myself figuring out a poem as I write this comment. 🙂 — Suzanne

77. Sunset and the Bee

Love the shape of the poem; fits so well with the image and the theme. — Gallivanta

Lovely! I love the symbolism explained in the prose below too. Lastly, thank you for teaching me something new. I had not come across a Nonet before. I am exploring new forms and you are contributing to my discovery. Visual Haiku, Haibun…much appreciated. Peace. ~ Michael — M. Zane McClellan

A great poem, I enjoyed the explanation. For someone like me who loves reading poetry but is often too stumped or lazy to go and work on one herself, it is nice to hear how you work out the lines, syllables etc. — Maria Matthews

76. Ideas Blossom at a Writer’s Conference

I love the thought of ideas blossoming – perfect state of mind! 🙂 — SuzyHazelwood

The term ‘rhythmic cadence’ animates visual movement for the reader in this delightful seasonal piece. Nice. — Mike

75. May Queen

Lovely images here in this beautiful tree. Your poem has captured me. Many thanks to you. — kcg1974

Love the poem, however had to comment on the magnolia. .. It’s breathtaking! No winter issues there. — Midwestern Plant Girl

How beautiful Brenda…. I felt as if I was travelling in a sort of magical trip… I truly admire the way you have mastered the poetic images by linking them to natural realms. Best wishes, Aquileana 🙂 — Aquileana

74. Waiting Flowers

Lovely and magical! “Laughing honeyed breaths” is fab! — Wordifull Melanie

How lovely, sounds like a real fun day – brings back memories of being a child again! 🙂 — SuzyHazelwood

nothing like a little child magic — ksbeth

Lovely description of that magical moment when the sun breaks through. — Gallivanta

73. Ditty on Pink

Makes you feel “in the pink”. Thanks for the Dr Seuss reminder too. — Gallivanta

I love pink- it always makes me happy! Hope you are doing well, Brenda, and enjoying many shades of pink! 🙂 — danesegrandfield

How very lovely both the beautiful photo and poem are. — Easter Ellen

72. Silver Naiad Reflections

This was purely enchanting Brenda, what a wonderful ode to write for someone. Magical words 🙂 x — beckarooney

Wow this is awesome! Love your writings ~ — Mary

I love this, it is beautiful. “Wet feet connected to earth” Oh I can feel it. — Ms. Vee

71. Hectic Mountain Laurel

That sounds like a really beautiful day – dream like! 🙂 The picture is wonderful – I might be about to land in your tree, as a bee or a fairy!! 😉 — SuzyHazelwood

Such a bucolic universe. I love the imagery you have achieved through those natural poetic images. Hope you have a great week ahead, Brenda, Aquileana 🙂 — Aquileana

Brenda, I have been a follower for a few months now, and your pictures and poems amaze me, I didn’t think that so many pictures could show so much beauty, and I thought I would tire of seeing the pictures but I haven’t. I enjoy them as much today as I did the 1st time I viewed your blog. Thank you, Bill — FlaHam

70. Longing for Daffodils

Your photo is gorgeous! I love how the forsythia frames the daffodils 🙂 our daffs are over here now, it’s nice seeing you write about them! Beautiful poem too, yours and Wordsworths 😀 x — beckarooney

beautiful and i love how certain memories stay with us forever ) — ksbeth

69. Infernal Internal Poem: Fae Clan

What a poetic blast, Brenda… Really very well penned. The second stanza is highly beautiful, honey. Best wishes and happy weekend , Aquileana 😛 — Aquileana

wonderful 🙂 — the echo of the whole sea

You can make the fungus among us look and feel so lovely;) — words4jp

68. Cherry Intoxication

Awesome poem! I’ll keep seeing a drunk little fairy on every cherry tree now lol 🙂 gorgeous photos too! x — beckarooney

A very charming image – I can just see her skating down that cherry blossom branch, drunk with cherry blossom aroma!! 😀 — SuzyHazelwood

Hello Brenda, I stopped by to read more !!!… A very dyonisian approach… But quite more harmless as we just get drunk with the scent of the cherry trees in blossom. Your writing is very evocative. And in this particular poem: bucolic and with a baroque imagery… Very well written, honey. Best wishes, Aquileana 😛 — Aquileana

That’s so gorgeous. Some of your faery poems, stories and photographs would make the most delightful book for parents to share with children. Have you ever thought of publishing online? You can get hard copies published quite simply. It could be a good seller and be quite a magical addition to any little girl’s library – not to mention a wonderful stimulus to the imagination. — Suzanne

67. Triquain: Hyacinth

Mesmerizing and beautiful! I like how you are writing these nature poems and making us feel spring. I feel delighted to read your poems every week, so motivating and refreshing in their own way.  it! — Amreen Bashir Shaikh

Wow I don’t think I would be brave enough to try this poetry style! If normal haikus give me a headache imagine what this would do to me. . . LOL enjoyed and admire this post, your hyacinths look wonderful! 😀 x — beckarooney

Beautiful hyacinths, Brenda. Love your poem, and I’ve made a note of the form. Don’t think I’ve tried writing this form before. — Freeda Baker Nichols

Beautiful. I love the imagery, and the playfulness. This form seemed perfect for the poem. I am truly impressed 🙂 — mbarkersimpson

66. Planet of Connection

That’s a lovely poem! 🙂 So did you sing this in the woods on your way!? 😉 And you’re right, it should be ocean day. I read that on a post on a Tumblr blog saying that very same thing. It’s funny how it’s not really been noticed until recently – why do we say we live on earth?! 🙂 — SuzyHazelwood

That is such a lovely poem Brenda!! You are such an amazing writer!! And I also love the flowers very much 🙂 The Earth is so beautiful! — Line

double beauty, words and pictures ) — ksbeth

65. Happy Easter

How festive and delightful — psychologistmimi

Colorful and magical. The flowers so welcome to see. — Ruth

I love it, and the images are stunning! ❤ — Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

That’s a real celebration of spring Brenda – so beautiful!♥ And that is a Magnolia tree – I love Magnolia flowers against blue sky – gorgeous!! 😀 — SuzyHazelwood

Hi Brenda…Happy Easter! I have the most beautiful smile on my face…it is there because this post made me feel so good inside the love and light is bubbling out of me!! Happy spring….Blessed Weekend…happy life! — lorriebowden

64. Pink Fairy Camo

Oh, I love love love this!! 🙂 My mother used to tell me that little trolls were hiding under the roots of fallen trees. I have always looked for them in there 🙂 Here in India I went fairy watching in the very early dawn at a Lotus Lake in a park. I thought, the fairies must live in Lotuses! 🙂 Oh, and there is a card on its way to you now!! Hihihi! 🙂 — Line

I find this poem enthralling. — authormbeyer

I love the way the realism of the last line contrasts so vividly with the sweet magic of the first three. Well done. — Suzanne

63. Mystery Flower Quinzaine

Bren, thank you for writing for the challenge! I enjoyed reading this post. I too loved riddles when I was a child and used to play riddle games with my friends a lot. You just made me relive that moment with this post. This was so beautifully done 🙂 — Amreen Bashir Shaikh

62. New Queen Quinzaine

What a lovely take on the prompt – I can hear her, you brought her to life beautifully. — mbarkersimpson

Wow. I love how you used the quinzaine in this way and had it accompany this beautiful flower! It conjures up wonderful images of the Fae Queen and her faeries! ♥♥♥ — Fay Meling von Moltke Pao, R.TCMP, R.Ac

Beautiful! I liked the way you worded this! I love nature and I like how you incorporate it in your poems. I am glad that you wrote twice for this challenge and made this week’s challenge fun! Your writing is amazing as always! Keep writing such great poems ever! — Amreen Bashir Shaikh

61. Playful Spring Etheree

Thank you for this lovely gift of writing this morning!!!! I can’t wait for you to make a published copy so I can hold in my hands and read when I wake up. 🙂 — serendipityherbals

I love how the words you chose give a sense of the bird’s motion (the flittering of chickadees!). It really makes you see the bird’s flight through words! — Kirsten

Hi Brenda! Beautiful Etheree.. How I love thee 🙂 — kipyang

A wonderful poem. It takes a lot of talent to write such an intriguing poem but to also make it into a perfect pyramid? Wow, well done. — Maggie Thom

Never heard of an etheree before, Brenda. What a lovely little device – and a great poem. — kateshrewsday

60. Full Bloom Tanka

oh what joyful verse! — naturerestoresme

so happy and wonderful ) — ksbeth

59. Dreaming in Cherry Blossoms

Wow this is such a beautiful post, words and photos alike! The third image is my favourite, that pink is sensational. A great blast of spring! 😀 x — beckarooney

A beautiful, magical poem and gorgeous photos as well 🙂 — Wordifull Melanie

This is really beautiful – so elegant!!  I love your cherry blossom picture, under the tree, wonderful! I absolutely love pink cherry blossom, and that looks like a dream. Is the cherry tree in your garden? — SuzyHazelwood

58. Fairy Tale Clerihew

Hehe! Never heard of this form BUT I love that your famous person was one of the 3 little pigs! — Wordifull Melanie

Wow! This is wonderful! …. I enjoyed the scene, the imagery and must say, you did a brilliant job with this. I am so happy indeed! Thank you for your participation 🙂 — Amreen Bashir Shaikh

Wow very good rhyming! That’s hard to do! I love this! — MichelleMarie

57. Still Life with Lichen

Brenda, LOVED this compostion. I LOVED what it says to me. Bless you!!! (((HUGS))) Amy — Amy Pinkrose

56. The Path toward Spring: Haiku Kai

Beautiful words and certainly an appropriate time of year for such wonderful insights… I always love your words… I get the feeling of the great old Masters of Poetry’s Past when reading you…. Great job well done, Thank you, cloudy — claudytheartist

this is purely lovely! kudos~ — Cindy Knoke

Lovely poem for my favorite time of the year. — The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap

55. Tenacity: A Visual Haiku

Do you hear my soul sighing ….???? — Amy Pinkrose

Gorgeous! — alexraphael

Interesting photo of lavender but even more interesting is its associating its being a haiku. 🙂 — Carol Balawyder

54. Spring is Sprung

Three cheers for the fairies! ! — Audrey Dawn – Oldest Daughter Redheaded Sister

Spring has definitely sprung, thank you fairies! Lovely cheery post 😀 x — Beckarooney

I love this! — gorge thomas

53. Winter Red Ditty

Beautiful house, beautiful poem! — Cindy Knoke

Lovely Brenda. I particularly like the ‘branches entwining in red towers’ reminding me of ‘Rapunzel’ -:) — lavendermoongirlblog

The beauty of words entangled with a beauty for the eyes. Was missing this. — Charlypriest

52. Dancing Memento

I love this Brenda! The picture is perfect and your words describe that feeling so well. I’m a former ballerina and taught a class of 4-10 year olds. I’ve watched my daughter take her first class and it was a precious moment. This was such a lovely gift to read. — KarinKateriKei

You should be published! ( Or maybe you are already.) — Stacey

What a beautifully written and touching story. The photo is so lovely. The innocence and creative energy of all those little girls is something to behold. — Suzanne

Awesome! — Wendell A. Brown

51. Berries Blue Etheree

I learn so much from you, Brenda! I had no idea that poetry had such a wide collection of variations! I love those blue berries, that resemble sapphires. I can see why the creatures would be attracted to their jeweled appearance! This was simply lovely, my dear! Hugs, Robin

Gorgeous and full of hope, Brenda! — kateshrewsday

50. Light in the Dark Naani

How wonderful.. the friendliness of the neighbour’s lights.. naani.. have to remember that. — Björn Rudberg (brudberg)

thanks for sharing this form. a cheerful poem as the day ends — moondustwriter

love the pink and the return of the friendly. also enjoyed the form, i’ve never heard of this before — ksbeth

Coolio. I like the new type of poem style. And the capture was awesome. — Professor VJ Duke

49. Leprechaun Limerick

Thank you for the fun post, I like limericks! 🙂 I try to write them myself sometimes – but I don’t get very far. 😐 My Dad would have liked this I’m sure – he was from Dublin. The Irish love their limericks! 🙂 — SuzyHazelwood

i love this lucky limerick post and especially the artwork! — ksbeth

I greatly enjoyed your St. Patrick’s Day composition and offerings, many thanks. Sláinte 😀 — Mike

48. The Thaw Has Come

Yay! Renewal! — Winding road

Ah, reminds me of the thaw in Narnia. I keep expecting to see Mrs Beaver ushering the four Pevensey children through the melting snow… — kateshrewsday

47. Fairy Garden Joy

Absolutely precious!!! Heart is in my throat with this one! xxoo, Amy — Amy Pinkrose

Yay! What great fun. Fairy wings everywhere and a birthday to celebrate. Yay! — hitandrun1964

Lovely lovely!! — willowdot21

46. The In-Between

Brenda, I have come back to this twice today — I loved it this morning (before the day I had) and I love it even more at the end of the day (after I let the day I had melt away). So well done! — fairydisenchantment

The In-between, the negative space, the reverse silhouette – it all has a part in the creative process. Love this. But of course, I love all of your poems. You are very talented. — reneejohnsonwrites

Brenda – I so like your take on the in-between times! Well done — Theresa

Oh Brenda!!! This is amazing!!!! You are amazing!!!!!!!! — Tracy

Brenda, The photo was amazing, and I appreciate the poem greatly. Please take care, Bill — FlaHam

What an amazingly beautiful photo!! I also very much liked your poem! 🙂 I find dusk and dawn to be the most magical times a day, I like everything in between 🙂 Like autumn and spring 🙂 I especially liked the first two verses 🙂 — Line

45. Ice-Be-Gone Spell

Simple yet beautifully written — jolaobi

This piece has a great aural quality when read aloud – well done Brenda — Mike

How sweet Brenda! 🙂 Children will love this 🙂 — Line

Hilarious, Salt it is. 😛 — seeker

44. Hibiscus Dish Wish

A vivid poem with more than a hint of magic — Maria Matthews

Such a sweet and lovely poem Brenda! And the most beautiful flower! You really have a very vivid imagination! You must be a fun person to be around! 🙂 — Line

I envy your talent — IdealisticRebel

This is magical, Brenda. Love your photo and your words lifted my spirits tremendously. Woo-hoo! Spring is ALMOST here!!! Yes!!! Love, Amy — Lady Pinkrose

43. Meditation on Golden Leaves

Wonderful Brenda! I love your connection to nature, and this poem speaks so beautifully of that connection which we all such acknowledge within ourselves. — Line

Beautiful picture and words! — Gill McGrath

I liked this very much, its colors and words, combining together well as the harmony and melody of nature’s tune! — reocochran

42. Trumpets Sounding: American Haiku

This is really great! 🙂 — Victor Terrien

The poem and the picture are both beautiful, thanks for sharing, Nitin — Nitin

Great to extend my haiku knowledge with this your American haiku. — Gallivanta

41. Sunshine Spell

How cute! I will remember this and say it every time I long for blue sky and fun! Really good for children as well 🙂 — Line

Very nice Brenda! Thanks for making me smile. 🙂 Lots of love — Just Patty

Brenda, I completely get this, LOL, I am not nearly as dense as I thought. Yes even here in FL I am looking forward to the summer blue skies, heat humidity and all. Take care, Bill — FlaHam

40. Happy Valentine’s Day!!

What a lovely and heartwarming poem! I thoroughly enjoyed it 🙂 Happy Valentines day to you too!! 🙂 — Line

Beautiful poem! Have a wonderful Valentines Day also my sister…Hugs and blessings always! — Wendell A. Brown

It’s astonishing how easy is for you to write about wonderful things…To write about love the way you do…. — benvenutocellini

39. I Can Fly

Invigorating poem. A great feeling! — The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap

oh, i love the feel of the sparkly, fairy dust blowing on me from the tree – perfect ) — ksbeth

Magical. — Suzanne

Oh me too! I stopped believing for a while but I’m back in Neverland and it’s glorious. Lovely words to go with your photo. It all looks so magical. 🙂 x — scottishmomus

38. Old North Wind

Love, “roads bisected by slushy ruts”. I can just see them now, in my head and right outside my door. Excellent, Brenda! — acuriousgal

beautiful pics and words, and thank you so much for the 40 days ’til solstice reminder. i’m going to make it after all! — ksbeth

Blow your snow over to The Holler please…..it is dying of draught. Beautifully written of course~ — cindy knoke

I love the ‘Your icy breath is a knife!’ 🙂 Oh yes – it certainly feels like that sometimes! Are you still getting a lot of snow? Not so much as a sprinkle of white stuff where I am – yet! Some very icy cold knife ferocious wind and rain though, especially today. I’m glad I was at home, in the warm and dry place! 🙂 — SuzyWordmuser

37. Ice Snails

I absolutely LOVE this:) — hitandrun1964

Oh Brenda!! This is so wonderful!! You are truly gifted!!!!!! Thank you!!! — Tracy

Oh, this one made MY little heart sing! How absolutely delightful. I’ll be smiling in my dreams tonight. — heutzie

36. Ode to a Snowday

Blissful, calm, peaceful! Wow! This really made me fall in love with winter again. Spectacular words & an apt ode. I liked the images you added to the poem which complimented the imagery. Wonderful job Brenda! I’m truly inspired! — painttheworldwithwords

35. Weather Witch

This should be a children’s book — acuriousgal

Great pics, great words, great ending ) — ksbeth

Very beautiful picture, and text is amazing, too! — Inese Poga Art Gallery

Loved the imagery the words conjured! — Casey

The picture grabbed my attention and the poem kept me here – great post, Brenda. — gpcox

LOVE every scrap of word, and the photo is amazing! I want to live in one of those houses!!! Beautiful! — serendipityherbals

34. Beauty in the Broken Places

Stunning, Brenda. what a lovely message. I saw Cohen in Barcelona a couple of years back. He is the man with “the golden voice”. All the best. — Emy Will

Wonderful poem and images! Have a wonderful and blessed week my sister! — Wendell A. Brown

The imagery, the movement and the words go so well together! — psychologistmimi

33. Ditty on Tracks

I do admire the wild creatures and their pep and vigor, even in the midst of the frozen tundra! These little hopping birds in your ditty are cute! I love birds, of course, wonder why they are so cheerful? I try to be, but cannot always in this bitter cold… Robin — reocochran

LOVE IT!!!! :) — Jonathan Caswell

Hurray! What lovely chirrupy words, hun :) — biahelvetti

32. Of Crystal Palaces and Brothers

I love this poem! As a literary blogger, I admire Samuel Taylor Coleridge, so I love the fact that he’s an inspiration for this. Great piece. — theparisreviewblog

Oh beautiful my friend :) — Morgan

You nailed this Brenda, beautiful picture and poem! — findingmyinnercourage

What a sweet story! True sweet, not saccharine sweet. — travelosopher

You’ve captured sibling relations perfectly, once again! (And yes, I think that is a brilliant epigram) :) — biahelvetti

31. Frost Fairies, Pas de Deux

This use of Tracy’s photographs was inspiring! Your words about the deux who met, eyes of blue and green, their fairy dances in the frozen tundra, along the river’s banks, with the way you chose the thorny place for them to meet and hide together, Excellent writing, Brenda! — reocochran

Love it, so pretty. :) — Stacey

Brenda…you are so gifted!!! Your prose so lovely!!! Thank you for honoring me by including my photos!!!! I love your poetry! I admire your talent…I may be able to take pictures, but I could never write like that!  — Tracy

Wow! From fairy tales to amazing poems! You rock Brenda!  — Donicia

Brenda, I have read more poetry in the last month because of you than I have the entire rest of my life. I am like a baby in the crib, I understand so little of what I read, and the structure of your poems. But I am enjoyng the words and the images I get from those words. Thanks, Bill — FlaHam

30. Tan Renga Invitation: A Silent Cry

I see the eagle as not only majestic but as a strong spirit guide — there is something “royal” about them!
I like your rendition and additional Haiku with it!! — becca givens

I liked your spiritual completion — Björn Rudberg (brudberg)

Wonderful and beautiful. — hitandrun1964

Nice continuation of the Tan Renga Brenda and what a good idea to invite another poet to conclude your haiku given here. Very nice idea …. maybe I can make it a Special feature for Carpe Diem Haiku Kai. — Chèvrefeuille

29. White Witch in Winter

She sounds wonderful, Brenda. Love this! — Audrey Dawn – Oldest Daughter Redheaded Sister

My favorite so far. Love it. — Sandra

Oh, that was lovely! And magnificent at the same time! ❤ — L&A

Ooh look! ILEX. [Holly] Great story! — Midwestern Plant Girl

28. American Haiku: Silent Bathhouse

Brenda, I’ve never heard of an American Haiku. I learn something new from you every time I visit. I found this to be very clever, I loved it!! — acuriousgal

I think this is excellent. But the professor doesn’t know much about haikus. — Professor VJ Duke

Oh i like this. I did not know this form existed and it does seem challenging. You’ve done a great job with this ) — ksbeth

27. Sonnet: Let the Sun Set on Hatred

Perfection! — cindy knoke

Fabulous. The sound of it stays with you — psychologistmimi

Wise words of encouragement Brenda, it’s really tough to remember that hate and anger destroy us more than they hurt the person / people we direct them at. And you’re absolutely right, picking up a pen (or a keyboard) at those moments is far more productive. This really struck my heart today as we are all obviously seething on our side of the ‘pond’ over this BBC / Jimmy Saville scandal and I spent a sleepless night with my blood boiling. Finally the light filtered through the curtains, I groan, switch on the laptop and BAM honey, you did it again! Your wise words were waiting for me – you are an absolute earth-angel and the sugar and spice in my gingerbread slice, thankyou! :) x — biahelvetti

26. We’re not Scared!

Very creative…love it. —  Anja

I love it! I’m going to read this to my son when he gets home from school and have him draw a “drooling snow monster.” — Janna

Adorable! And, hopeful…scary guy better run…cuz the sun’s coming for him:) Hope springs eternal. — hitandrun1964

25. Five Brothers Tanka

This is so wonderful! bravo~ — cindy knoke

I always think there’s something a little grim and defiant about those little fir trees – and you’ve captured it! Reminds me of Thorin and co… :) — biahelvetti

Roots intertwined, Indeed. I’ve yet to master the Tanka, you do it so naturally :) — andy1076

24. Winter Harvest Ball

B E A U T I F U L — Go Scribbles

Beautiful , a thorny subject! — willowdot21

Charming poem! — irinadim

Beautiful! Such a lovely story, enjoyed the read :) x — beckarooney

23. The Best Evening Look

Absolutely lovely poem!!For me your poem, fairy tale haiku and pictures are inspiring and comforting, you succed in passing the comfort in nature so it really feels like it’s meant for each of us. And after reading this post – it feels a bit easier and a bit less alone, to go out in the dark morning, put my self in the traffic jam and go to the office. — panikikubik

I agree with the comment above. There is something about your poem and photo that conveys the way nature nourishes our souls. — Suzanne

A lovely magical tale. When I walk I’m often looking through the winter trees at a sunset, so peaceful! :-) — lavendermoongirlblog

Your words make me feel how I felt about the world when I was ten. You have such a gift! — Middlemay Farm

22. Oak Leaf Tanka

Love this Tanka….never knew what one was until I read your site!!! Well done, Brenda! — acuriousgal

Awww kissing spring buds. That made me smile. — Anja

So Creative Brenda. Love the Tanka Rythmic Melody — artistryofcolinhall

Beautiful. :) — mistylayne

21. Grab Your Coat! It’s One Below Zero!!

Magic. As always. — AnElephantCant

Bundle up you snow monsters as you dash away in the snow!! — Sun

Fanciful and heart-warming; always a pleasure to read your work ^_^ ❤ — alainafae

What a lovely winter tale of fun, and a great photo. I’m longing for some cold white snow….so far it’s all been howling gales, horizontal rain and buckets of mud beneath our boots in Scotland this winter! I love the way snow brightens the whole landscape…..*dreaming now*! — greenmackenzie

20. Red Pajamas Shadorma

Awesome! I knew you would knock it out of the park :) — risinghawk

Awww that was so lovely!!!! — Anja

Perfect…..just like kids throwing off their blankets — acuriousgal

I like this! Reminded me of Dr. Seuss books — fergusandthedruid

19. Midwinter Song

This is so beautiful and makes me remember how lovely midwinter is:-) even on the shortest day!!!  — Tracy

Ah! Such a PERFECT midwinter song! (I really like that you called it a song, too. Somehow, that makes it even more perfect.) — travelosopher

Wonderful picture Brenda-so colorful and festive-and the song is perfect!  — littledogslaughed

18. Taste of Winter in the Pathya Vat

It’s a wonderful poem, Brenda! — jamborobyn

AnElephant loves your poetry, especially when you write about fairies. And your education is fascinating. Thank you for both. — AnElephantCant

Your words are always spiralling into poetry! — benvenutocellini

This is just absolutely wonderful. — Ye Pirate

I like this one! :D Fairies wanting cherries or sugar plums sounds very amusing, and those berries do look like they could be fairy plumbs!!! That’s a lovely snowy picture by the way, the red berries really add some seasonal colour! — suzywordmuser

17. Fairy Ball Fibonacci Poem

Awesome! So whimsical and colorful, the picture and the words both :D — alainafae

This is a lovely colorful picture! Very nice – words and picture. — Elephant

I love this tale!!! But of course I love anything with fairies. :) whimsical and wonderful. — Anja

How do you do it, and on such consistent basis? — The Jogging Dad

Very cool with the “Think ornamental vegetable!” Got a laugh imagining faeries telling one another that! — J. Casey

16. Golden Path Etheree

What a beautiful photo. And words to match. ‘Citrine dream’….’Gold honey blizzard’. Delicious. — scottishmomus

What an incredible iPhone image! It is one of the most beautiful that I’ve seen this season! And the poem … ah! :-) — George Weaver

I love this and agree with the other comments…delicious, indeed. — unawarebutunderlined

Thank you Brenda for taking me off into the land of the sublime once again. — KidazzleInk.com

Beautiful words.. Beautiful poem..!! (oh, the picture… STUNNING). :) — Rivera

15. Humongous Fungus

Fantastico! I think I shall get the kids to recite that this evening and see who can do it fastest :) I love that word ‘dalrymple’, stunning :) — biahelvetti

So great, glad you posted this. It reminds me of roald dahl, with your wit and clever use of words. — ksbeth

Fungus fun!!!! I love it!! — Tracy

14. Princess in a Red Dress

Stunning..!! (She’ll be “The Talk” for sure..!!) :) — Rivera

Love it:) — hitandrun1964

Adorable!! I must say those hands do look like royalty!! — words4jp

13. Care to Dance?

What a wonderful lyrical poem…. and I really like the photograph…. you always make me smile and feel magick…Thank you for just being you. Take care…You Matter… )0( maryrose — LadyBlueRose’s Thoughts Into Words

Love this…so wonderful :) — Morgan

Hmmm…6/8 is where the magic is. — paulscribbles

Makes me want to get up and dance! — laughwithme45

12. Smokebush in the Fall

Loooooove this, Brenda! — acuriousgal

I love this beautiful poem, I just woke up on this smoky looking day, and your poem matched the plants here. How gorgeous! What a word and feeling master you are!!! — serendipityherbals

I am in love with the smokebush!!!! Can they grow in northern Vermont?! And your poem is perfect!! — Tracy

11. For Caregivers on Halloween: Grandmother Tree

Beautiful poetry – be like a grandmother tree protecting and allowing new life to grow free and strong. ♥ nice! — Sun

I like this poem and its deep meaning, such a lovely tribute to caretakers, aunts, uncles, mothers, dads and grandparents, of course! I love the way it sounds when read aloud, I whispered the words like a prayer or chant! The older leaves falling to kiss her younger ones, such a wonderful image! Happy Halloween, my friend, Brenda! — reocochran

Beautiful! Happy Halloween :) — Morgan

10. Star Fairy Fibonacci Poem

Wow. I enjoyed reading this (= — ἇRVℎℰℰ

I think you handled it exceptionally! — Professor VJ Duke

Fabulous photo and great story. — willowdot21

9. Increasing Seeds in Fall

Wow.. Your photos are amazing.. perfect for the excellent poem you’ve written. (= — Ar Vhee

Your photos are superior by far…. Wonderful poem; etherees always feel like they end on the promise of more. — fairydisenchantment

Always a pleasure to read your stories and poems! Brilliant :) — Donicia

8. Gnome Homes

Poetry done well. Don’t risk it! lol — Leah Smithson Contemporary Artist

I love this, the difference between a tasty mushroom and a poisonous toadstool is a matter of appearance until consumed. Then OH! boy you know. Lovely ditty. ;-) lovely post. X — willowdot21

Delightfully cute, I am reading looking and the photo and imagining fantasy creatures looming underneath :D — Oloriel

7. Turning One Hundred

Wow! I can’t imagine being 100! Grandpa is so lucky to have such a loving family and of course a furry friend to share life with is a requirement in my world :-D Happy bday g-pa! — Midwestern Plant Girl

Thank you for this wonderful post. The rose reminds me of my Grandpa, who didn’t quite get to 100 but had a garden full of roses. — mabbsonsea

Wonderful…video and all…congrats to all of you and happy, happy on your grandfather. — hitandrun1964

6. Goodnight, Children

Very very beautiful dear I loved them both. The children were lovely. — Ajaytao2010

Aw, the words are so sweet and tender! Beautiful pics too. — Uzoma

Hi Brenda, just thought you should know your words are magical!! Have a great day! — acuriousgal

5. Ode to a Mushroom

I love field mushrooms and you have done them proud in this clever poem. Thank you for putting a smile on my face. — Maria M

This is a cute poem, I can just imagine those mini wood elves underneath using them for a cap. Also it reminds me of how awesome my mom’s homemade mushroom soup is. Which actually sounds pretty good right now, because it’s already getting chilly over here. — shannon213

i love this, the words, the visual, and the twist at the end. — ksbeth

4. Where the Cello Sounds Divine

Love love this one, Brenda. I can hear the music here. :-) — Imelda

Yes I can hear it too!! Lovely you talent you! — cindy knoke

They say the cello’s sound is the closest to human voice. Great news here! Cheers, and courage… Thanks. — Borut Kantušer

Your photos & poetry are beautiful. :) — Samantha

A pretty place – I can confirm there are likely fairies afoot in this garden. — Elephant’s Picture Book
Lovely, lovely, lovely! Kudos~ — cindy knoke
My eyes caught the butterfly in the opening pic …. and read these words in the eyes of a butterfly’s journey. — aFrankAngle
Wow! Brenda this is a really magically special post. You’re cheering me up as I’m feeling so poorly with a cold — lavendermoongirlblog
Brenda, beautifully done poem about an elegant place to visit! I love visiting established gardens; thank you for the lovely tour. I hope that you will post more of your poems, Brenda. — greenlightlady

2. Garden Green

Absolutely wonderful! Finding tranquility is difficult to find in this day and age. Looks like you found it along with some magic. This post made me smile and feel happy for you! :) — Maureen

I think you just described paradise. :-) — Imelda

Edinburgh is a beautiful city although I haven’t visited in years. Disgraceful. One short train journey would see me there.
Or a poem such as this. Beautifully expressed. I could see myself in Princes Street gardens – a haven of tranquillity in the midst of the city. Remembering and capturing that so well, a gift. Kudos and thank you for sharing. A very pleasant poem to read as I sip my Sunday morning coffee. Calm before heading into the busyness of the day ahead.x — Scottishmomus

How clever! It was a lot of fun to read. :-) — Imelda
Your poem is definitely a lot of fun to read and so creative! New follower! :D — Donniedarkogirl
Love this!! You are so wonderfully clever! — bearspawprint
I agree with everyone else, this was very clever! Poetry is definitely not my forte, so I admire this all the more. =) — Lauren
Poems Published Elsewhere
Published by wePoets Show It, August 27, 2013
Yay! Your poem is beautiful, full of wonder and magic . :-) — Imelda
That is so awesome! Congratulations on your off-blog publication. Here is to many many more. I love how there is a melancholic strain in that poem. Love it! And what a killer title. Amazing! — beingnenne
Holy cow that was good! It sucked me in right from the title. Awesome. — pouringmyartout
Note: Two categories of poetry have their own contents page, and so are not included in the forgoing: haiku and haībun.

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