White Butterfly Dream


The white butterfly raises her wings,
Setting sail across the wide Dogwood Sea.
Wind makes the crossing choppy,
White wings jibe and come about,
Alighting nowhere, like a fae albatross.
The cabbage-white butterfly blends —
She could be a dogwood petal
But for her mesmerizing aerial dance.
One tiny egg laid on the underside of a mustard leaf,
Gave birth to her brief but ecstatic life.
Her tiny white wing-sails make of the air an endless ocean.
Oh, to dance with her on the white breakers,
Smelling sweetly of spring rather than salt
With nectar’s spray dampening my skin.

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham

54 thoughts on “White Butterfly Dream

  1. Hello Brenda! Just passing by to let you know the second issue of The Writing Garden is published and includes your lovely spring poem https://thewritinggarden.wordpress.com/2015/03/06/the-writing-garden-issue-two/ If you see any errors or something you’d like to change, please let me know and I’ll adjust it as soon as I can. Thanks so much for allowing me to publish your work and your beautiful picture too. 🙂

    I’m back online now, jobs all done, new shiny bathroom fitted *sigh of relief* but still clearing up endless dust and disorganisation – will be again back very soon! Hope everything is okay with you and you and loved ones are not buried in too much snow! 😉


    • Your new issue is wonderful! I love the mix of poetry, photography and literary musings. While you were sleeping just about broke my heart. I’m glad to hear your bathroom’s finished and your jobs are all done. We are buried in snow, and growing crankier by day, LOL. This weekend is the first warm one, and our local ice cream joint was mobbed! We were there to celebrate the boys having formed a quintet and playing Mozart at a concert. They were wonderful! My heart is full of spring, even if snow still hides all the earth’s colors. I hope your heart is zinging with spring, too. Blessings, Brenda


  2. Pingback: The Writing Garden ~ Issue Two | The Writing Garden
  3. Somewhere in my mind Brenda I managed to convince myself I had got back to you after looking though your archives and asked you if I could publish this in the next issue of The Writing Garden, but I’d just made a note. I had it down as a possible but (not yet asked). So, would this lovely poem be okay to include in the next issue? I know I asked you about the Snow Queen Haibun for including in November/December issue, got that firmly noted! Good job I thought to ask before I got round putting it altogether. Perhaps I’m doing a little too much?!!! 😉


    • Suzy, I was wondering in the back of my mind if I was supposed to be writing something for you. I can’t think of spring yet, buried as I am under 6 feet of snow. Oh, this is one of my favorites, and I would be honored to have you publish the poem. Do you want the photograph, too? You are most welcome. I am honored. Blessings, Brenda


      • I meant to mention the photograph – yes that would be lovely!! You won’t need to send me any copies, I should be able to copy and paste, which is what I usually do. I’m glad I picked your favourite spring poem, that makes it all the better! How did I do that?!! 😀 When the second issue is published, which will be some time in the first week of March would you like me to leave a link here? I’m just thinking, you are following, so you will probably see it anyway – it’s up to you, just let me know.

        I also give links to other websites and social media of each writer if they have any, so I could give a link to your Society6 page if you like? If you have any others you’d like mentioned – Facebook, Twitter, or Google+, just let me know and I’ll add them too. And thank you for allowing me to use it! I don’t think I’ve got any others that are specifically about spring in the next issue, so it’s more than perfect – it is a truly lovely poem!♥


        • I’m so happy you like my poem, too. That’s all perfect, you can pull down the photo if the sizing works. If you would add the Society6 link and the link to friendlyfairytales, that would be icing on the cake. I don’t need other links, I’m not that active on Facebook and don’t really use Twitter or Google+ at this point.


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