Star Fairy Fibonacci Poem




Deep down,

All alone.

She fled the falcon,

Taking cover in a canyon

Still she could hear it screaming for her to come out now!

Never would a star fairy fear a peregrine falcon, but she was injured and drained.

She sang to her kin, sparkling in twilight air; soon they entangled the bird in a magic web, destroying his concentration, and saving her.

Copyright 2013 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: A Fibonacci Poem is one in which each succeeding line is equal in syllable length to the syllable length of the preceding two lines added together, or one, one, two, three, five, eight, thirteen, twenty-one, thirty-four, etc. Usually they are 5 or 6 lines long, but I wanted to see if I could write one 8 lines long. 

23 thoughts on “Star Fairy Fibonacci Poem

  1. Pingback: Driftwood Phoenix | Friendly Fairy Tales
  2. I’ve discovered at least three new poetry forms on your blog so far; I feel like I should pay a class fee! ^_^ Can’t wait to experiment with this one! So great for little story-gems like this.


  3. Nice story. I would just like to rent about one square foot of your property so I can sit amongst the fairies and watch. (Okay, I have a big butt, maybe three square feet, or four, just to ensure comfort.)


    • Thanks! I’m teaching a class on poetry tomorrow, but I don’t think I’ll start with this one. It was hard to get the syllable count right. But fun, in the end. 🙂 Thanks for commenting. Brenda


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