Inside the Poppy


inside the poppy,
lies a dark purple pulse
a secret heart

Copyright 2019 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: With the passing of Valentine’s Day, the flowers have bloomed wide open, revealing their secret hearts.

Writing Tip: I’ve been critiquing first chapters for a class. Sometimes, I feel like I’m evaluating valentines or looking at flowers, because I’m searching for the heart at the story’s center. If the author hides the heart too well, it’s hard to hook a reader. We have to open up and show the heart to connect.

26 thoughts on “Inside the Poppy

  1. This is beautiful, Brenda! Both your poem and your photo. I wrote a post today that overlaps a bit with yours, though my focus was on tulips and aging. So much potential is lost when the bud doesn’t fully blossom and reveal itself in full glory–that secret heart!

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