Snowfall of Awards

A wealth of new awards for Friendly Fairy Tales! Woo-hoo! I decided to celebrate our third snow day in a week by sharing this abundance of new awards. I’ve been gifted the Real Neat Blog, Liebster, Hearts as One Drumbeat, One Lovely Blog Hop and the Premio Dardos Awards. The only one I had previously received was the Leibster Award.

Thanks to Violet at There is Always a Scenic View for the Real Neat Blog Award! A first for me, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten this one before. Violet has wonderful photographs at her creative blog.

Real Neat Blog Award

Liebster Award

Thanks to Chrllrobb for the Liebster Award. One interesting fact about her: she survived the 1966 Tornado in Topeka, Kansas! She should write about that… fascinating. This is meant to help new bloggers meet friends. Remind me in a comment if you are a new blogger. I actually followed the rules for this in a previous post, and I conclude I’m off the hook from ever doing that again. 😉


Hearts as one drumbeatThanks to Karuna for passing along a brand new award created by Sue Dreamwalker, called the Hearts as One Drumbeat Award. I usually follow the rules the first time I receive the rules. Well, sometimes I do. The rules for this award require me to pass it along to five other bloggers. The selection criteria are: to demonstrate care for others, through poems or words, through laughter or humor, photograph or story. Love and compassion are mandatory. Sue encourages: “Together let us Beat our Drums for Harmony, Peace, Unity, and Equality“.

The five bloggers I select to receive this new award are: Gigi, Beth, MichelleMarie, Trini and Belinda. Consider this my hug and acknowledgement for how special you all are to me, always bearing with me, and helping me feel loved and supported. If you have time to accept, I hope you will follow Sue’s link above and give her some love for creating such a loving, spiritual award.

One Lovely Blog Hop

One Lovely Blog Hop comes to me via the Kookaburra-laughing Irina at Ininadim. Thanks, Irina, and I love your stories!! I have never received this award before. Hmm, rules, rules…. It requires me to give seven facts about myself. I’m shy, so I’m going to mix fact and fiction to keep you guessing. Here are some bizarre facts, some of which might be true: 1. I have a deep, old scar on my elbow with many messy stitches; 2. I had four major operations in 10 years; 3. I almost died many times; 4. I had an out-of-body experience, where I watched my unconscious body being treated by the ER personnel; 5. I have a huge extended family but have lost almost all my close relatives; 6. I write everyday; 7. I dream things before they happen sometimes; 8. A man followed me home from the subway many times (I later learned), and one day he knocked on my door; and 9. A thief tried to snatch my bag, but I refused to let go, and he gave up. One of those is false. Can you guess which?


Premio Dardos AwardThank you, Colleen at SilverThreading for the Premio Dardos Award, which Colleen told me she is giving me for “showing excellence in [my] writing.” The award, which is Spanish for Prize Darts, recognizes “cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values that are transmitted in the form of creative and original writing.” I am truly honored to receive such a moving tribute to my blog. Thanks again, Colleen!!

If you haven’t met Colleen, please stop by and chat with her. Colleen is exploring the world in her retirement, and particularly likes reading, writing, gardening, crocheting old-fashioned doilies into works of art, crafting, baking and drinking wine. She also writes about Florida Swamp Fairies.

The award has three rules, 1. post the award with a link to the grantor of the award (check!), 2. include the image (check!), and 3. pass the award along to other amazing bloggers (hmmm….).

Do you like receiving awards? I have discussed the quandary of whether or not to accept awards in a previous post. They are an honor, but a lot of work and time. When someone goes to the trouble to name me and link to my blog, I am both honored and grateful, knowing they invested quality time.

Many of you great bloggers do not accept awards. Many others, I have already sent awards your way, knowing how much work that entails (mild guilt here).

This time, if you will weigh in with a comment to this post giving your opinion about receiving awards, I will be delighted to select an appropriate award to bloggers in favor of them. Thus, I hope to find people who genuinely want to receive them. And don’t worry, I’m sure I already think you deserve an award.

As further thanks to all my friends who read, like, comment, gift me awards and love fairy tales and/or poetry, here are a few recent photographs of my snowy but magical world:

Red Berries in the snow

Oak Leaf Hydrangea in Snow


Warmly (despite the weather),



Copyright 2015 Brenda Davis Harsham

72 thoughts on “Snowfall of Awards

  1. Pingback: The Blogger Recognition Award | Chape Personal Trainer
  2. You deserve all of these and more, Brenda! You are a gracious receiver and you are also a generous giver. I feel you chose wonderful people and blogs to be nominated. I feel lucky I have my one of a kind award from you, always will treasure my ‘bouquet.’ It is so beautiful and colorful. I am not really wishing to be nominated, since it is a lot of work, along with my having a hard time choosing new nominees! I prefer to spread the ‘wealth’ around, when I win, so this is challenging.
    I appreciate who was nominated and there is my opinion given freely. smiles and hugs xoxo Robin


    • I won’t gift you one, then, though you deserve one richly. I don’t want to give you more work. Better you should spend your time writing and being with your mother. You deserve them all, though, my friend. Hugs, Brenda


  3. Congratulations Brenda on your awards. Wow what you chose to write about yourself, only makes me want to understand and know more. You are a beautiful person.


  4. Oh wow precious Brenda! I want to hug you now! Right through this computer. You are so precious I can feel your happiness and cheerful spirit and it makes me smile always! You bless me in so many ways. I do think you are super mom and how blessed your family is! I have never seen this award I am so honored to be in this beautiful group with these lovely friends! WE have such wonderful beloved friends. You are one of them for me! ❤ XXXXs and smiles! 🙂 All things good to you sweet Brenda! I want to share this with you Alex bought me this coffee cup and it makes me smile when I drink coffee from it. We sweet girls love our sweet things! ❤


    • You deserve this award and so much more, my friend. And I value our friendship, too.

      As for your mug — Who, who?? That is adorable! I do love our girly, gooey things. Bling, bling, it makes me sing. Katie Perry managed to create a bling halftime show that was girly, but still kid friendly. She rocked!


  5. You really capture the magic in the snow. I am rather overawed by the list of facts about yourself. I can’t imagine which one is false. They all seem plausible and incredibly daunting. I am a ditherer about awards. I should probably say my blog is award free; it’s not that I object to awards but that I am too lazy to respond properly which is bad form, really. Congratulations on all the awards given to you. You are much loved by your followers.


  6. Congratulations on your awards! You deserve them all. I was amused by your bizzare facts, but I can’t tell which one is false. They all seem possible. Thanks for the mention 🙂 Irina


  7. You are very deserving of all your rewards. And I am sure all the other recipients of your awards are too. I will have to check out some of them when I get a chance. I, as a new blogger am excited that someone thinks my blogs are worth being awarded. I like getting them now and then. I just am afraid that if I get too many, I will get tired of them. And then I would feel guilty if I don’t respond to, or accept them. I forgot about the very first one I received and felt guilty about that. But right now I am excited and honored to get an award. It just takes me awhile to get to them. And I do plan on writing a post about the 1966 tornado. I just have to remember! 🙂


    • Well, if you haven’t gotten the Liebster, I hope you will accept it, because it’s perfect for new bloggers. And you are a darling to give me such wonderful compliments. If you wonder how to follow the rules for the Liebster, or want to know the German that inspired it, follow the link in my post. I explain it more thoroughly there. Hugs, Brenda

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