Ditty on Pink

Pink Tulips

When your spirits start to sink,
Don’t over-think, drink in pink.

Begin to revive; continue to thrive:
Beauty multiplies love times five.

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: This post is dedicated to MichelleMarie, who with Jeanne Marie, started thinkingpinkx2, which has been brightening up my reader. Michelle Marie speaks pink. Jeanne Marie says: “Pink is our retreat from the daily battles of life without giving up.” 🙂 Stop by there for some Pink Therapy, and you won’t be sorry!

119 thoughts on “Ditty on Pink

    • Thanks, yes!! I came home with such wildly different shades, just from one day. These are so delicate and sweet ones. I thought they would be good for the pink of friendship. Thanks for commenting! Warmly, Brenda


  1. Pingback: Ditty on Pink | Quotes & Things to Inspire You
  2. Lovely, Brenda! I don’t like all shades of pink but this is exquisite!! Thanks for following my blog too…cool! I actually follow you from a few of my blogs but one is a secret (grins)


    • Thanks!! I was thinking about you today! I hope you had a good day! I was thinking about us doing art together one day. That would be so nice. Huge hugs, Brenda


    • Yes, indeed, my daughter keeps me up on all the current shades of pink. Pink with sparkles, pink with sequins, pink that lights up, princess pinks. All the best things in life glitter, whirl and play music! LOL


        • I wish I could remember what was drinking the pink ink… A Yink! I’m such a dork, I had to look it up!

          This one,
          I think,
          is called a Yink.
          He likes to wink,
          he likes to drink.
          He likes to drink, and drink, and drink.
          The thing he likes to drink
          is ink.
          The ink he likes to drink is pink.
          He likes to wink and drink pink ink.
          if you have a lot of ink, then you should get
          a Yink, I think.


    • LOL You are so adorable. Pink gives one the absolute right to act girly and excited. That’s the point. Little girls should be encouraged and cherished. Even our own inner ones. 😉


        • Oh, then I am so paid back! I wanted to let you know I appreciate you, and I’m so happy you let that appreciation into your heart where it can make you happy. So often we let compliments bounce off and take insults right in. You are such a wise person to do the opposite! I try to do that, too!


          • Oh thank you! I was thinking just that, how we have to fight sometimes to believe the good but as you do each time I believe it gets deeper. Then eventually the negative bounces off. I discovered about 7 years ago the while I am positive the negative fit more then good so I’ve been working on opening my heart to the good folks and guarding your heart. Believing in goodness and looking for it does make a difference. Plus I think you are like me you don’t stay down long! It’s no fun! 😄


  3. Reblogged this on Tell me about it and commented:
    Ya’ll look what Miss Sweet Pink Friend Brenda did, rocking those beautiful flowers and this Ditty on PINK! You can help but what to hug her to pieces! I was so excited when I saw this I had to reply then text JM and then NOW I’m reblogging~This makes me jump up and down happy! 😀 😀


  4. OH wow! Not only do I love these lovelies. That’s me MichelleMarie! LOL. Wow! I’m so excited what a wonderful way to end my day! I’m so excited I just text JM. She’ll be so excited too! Yay for PINK it just makes you smile thinking about it! You are the sweetest Brenda if I was there I would give you a jump up and down PINK hug! So this will have to do! 😀


  5. Brenda, my friend, if you knew how I needed to see not only this image but to read your words, I could just give you a hug. Morrow’s post from me will be all in pink. I need to surround myself in pink right now. xx Amy

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