Happy PINK Sunday to Pink Brenda @friendlyfairytales.com

Yesterday, while I was enjoying a Festival of India with my kids, Michelle Marie and Jeanne Marie were posting this amazing flower for me. I am so delighted to share it with you. Thinkingpink is such girlie fun, like having tea with friends. 🙂 Have a great week! Cheers, Brenda


photo by Jeanne Marie/art by MichelleMarie photo by Jeanne Marie/art by MichelleMarie

Happy PINK Sunday to Pink Brenda friendlyfairytales.com

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Happy Birthday Brenda~friendlyfairytales

I am overjoyed that my awesome-in-pink buddies posted me birthday wishes. They are so talented and thoughtful. I’m of a mind to have strawberry sorbet and pink fairy cakes! I hope you all feel the magic! Warmly, Brenda



Happy Birthday Brenda, for your friends Jeanne Marie and MichelleMarie thinkingpinkX2.

We hope you have a lovely day
So we made this card to send your way
We think you’re extra, special and nice
Cause that’s how we roll @thinkingpinkX2 twice!

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Ditty on Pink

Pink Tulips

When your spirits start to sink,
Don’t over-think, drink in pink.

Begin to revive; continue to thrive:
Beauty multiplies love times five.

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: This post is dedicated to MichelleMarie, who with Jeanne Marie, started thinkingpinkx2, which has been brightening up my reader. Michelle Marie speaks pink. Jeanne Marie says: “Pink is our retreat from the daily battles of life without giving up.” 🙂 Stop by there for some Pink Therapy, and you won’t be sorry!