Yorktown Sunset

Sunset at Yorktown Beach

Yorktown Beach is bespelled
by a paint-palette sky.
Gulls ride air currents
and land on pilings.
Sailboats hardly move at all.
Kids hunt seashells, but
the beach is picked clean.
A large family shouts, laughs,
tosses a football, hectoring,
advising and groaning.
In the icy wind,
a bikini model poses,
brightly lit by extra lights,
a photographer’s lens
like a third eye,
while on the pier,
a boyfriend giggles when
his girl catches a tiny fish.
It struggles wildly, hooked
and out of its element.
The scent of steamed clams,
fried crab cakes and french fries
make gulls scream with envy.
The sea grasses dip and sway.
Darkness sweeps in like a tide.
Sunset, the beach empties, but
the York River never sleeps.

Copyright 2016 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: This photograph was taken in Yorktown, VA. I hope your week is full of color and magic.

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