Season of Thanks


Thankful for summer —
fragrant with cottage roses
climbing a stone wall.

Multicolored Maple leaf in fall

Thankful for autumn’s
brilliant multi-colored leaves
that spin, curl and fall.

pond life under ice

Thankful for winter —
sledding and skating on mill ponds,
made smooth with ice.


Thankful for spring
when bulbs and roots create
flower paradise.

Copyright 2015 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: Here is a thankful poem in recognition of Thanksgiving, a time when we celebrate what the earth gives us. This is my contribution for Poetry Friday hosted this week by Miss Rumphius Effect.

68 thoughts on “Season of Thanks

    • Yes! And no massive snow oppression. And no treacherous sheets of ice that last months. I do love the first snow. And the smell of the earth when the snow has fallen all night. So pure and crisp and new. But I sure am tired of it by March. LOL


  1. There is so much to be thankful for…we should have a Thanksgiving in Britain! Weirdly WallMart who now own Asda supermarket introduced Black Friday a few years ago – I wondered where it had come from at first. But what a backward thing to do, leave out the thoughtfulness and thankfulness, introducing the greed and business money grabbing! Funny thing is, Asda were the only store refusing to do a Black Friday this year because of security concerns. I think the police probably withdrew their support for the crime caused by mayhem!!

    Love your photos Brenda, they always cheer me up! My favourite is the leaf in water – stunning!! I hope you and your family had a lovely Thanksgiving!

    Liked by 1 person

      • Oh no, the origins of Guy Fawkes Night are weird indeed (very much celebrated in the evening, not the whole day). It’s supposed to be a celebration of Mr Guy Fawkes plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament being discovered, prevented and his execution!! I have no idea why we are still celebrating it, the meaning behind it is completely irrelevant to our modern day life and doesn’t really have any enlightening purpose. St Georges Day gets far less attention, and that’s not weird at all. It was traditionally celebrated with bonfires and fireworks and lots of warm yummy food (bake potatoes, sausages and soup) I can remember potatoes being cooked in foil at the base of the bonfire – not the best way to cook them, but they did have a wonderful smoky flavour! This 1950’s picture reminds me of my 1970’s bonfire night days with the (Guy) We did all of that, and when it came to lighting the fire with our lovely ‘Guy’ we had so lovingly made from bits of cloth and old clothes, it all felt a bit weird. Only did that once – never again, it was an unexpected feeling that we’d done something terribly wrong! 😦 Fortunately, the horror of burning of the ‘Guy’ on the fire has almost gone out of fashion, it’s more of a firework night now, and anything goes when it comes to food ( hot dogs are very popular!) I wish it was something worth celebrating, I’d be quite happy to see it gone altogether, replaced with something about being alive would be a great idea! 🙂


        • It actually one of the first holidays celebrating the defeat of a terrorist bomber. Interesting from that point of view. I’ve never participated in burning anyone in effigy, and I think it would feel just as icky as you describe it. Potatoes cooked on a bonfire sounds much more sane, unless you’re in a big city. 😉

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks so much for sharing! Amid interior and exterior gloom today, your celebration of nature in photos and words is just what the doctor ordered! The first and last photos are gorgeous bookends! Thank you! God bless!


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