Ode to Baby Kale

Tiny green fans,
For cooling a sprite,
A nibble for children:
A snack to delight.
First, soaked as seed,
Then planted in soil,
Watered and lit from above,
Sprouted into a tiny coil.
Two oval leaves
Reached for the light,
Edges becoming scalloped
With veins of bright white.
Baby green kale,
Planted between sage,
Chives and thyme,
Becomes an herbal mage,
With the power
Of flavor and health,
Until devoured by rabbits
With predawn stealth.

Copyright 2015 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: This ode is to my baby kale, photographed prior to devastation by bunnies, insatiable little beasts. They seem to prefer the things I grow from seed to any clover or sweet grass. They never eat my chives.

Purple blooming chives

43 thoughts on “Ode to Baby Kale

  1. Baby kale is so tasty and I can just picture those little imps . Maybe best to call them, “varmints!” I wonder if you planted each kale plant in center of chives, if the onion-like scented would pose as guards? Mom says she used smelly marigolds to guard her daintier plants. Mom mentioned protecting roses from aphids, but just a thought pashe’d on without any research, Brenda. She told me about cinnamon lines along doorS to discourage ants and I did use this recently in my apt. 🙂


  2. I have mice nibbling my courgettes and radishes…but copper tape around runner beans seems to be working! Lovely poem…and I can connect and empathise with you, entirely! 🙂


      • You can put it around the rim of a pot or as I did around a cut chunk of lemonade bottle…like a plastic bracelet, through which I then planted each small runner bean plant and sat it firmly on the top of the soil! For added obstacle course effect I added crushed eggshells. I noticed today that some had not been dissuaded by the tape…but on the whole I am quite impressed! It gave the plants a chance to grow up tall with the growing tip out of reach of the slimy predators! Will try and take a photo to show you…The copper tape does not kill them just gives them a very slight electric shock or charge and is meant to put them off and change direction. I suppose even in the slug kingdom you get those that are brave and fearless. Even planted leftover decoy lettuces nearby…every year the same…trying to outmanoeuvre the determined beasts! I found the roll of tape in our local ironmongers/ hardware store. Sure you could source it online. Good luck, Brenda, with ongoing tactics and strategies! 🙂


          • We spend so much time and energy trying to defeat the little creatures when all they are doing is helping themselves to food we have provided for them on a plate…so to speak. Only doing what is natural. I used to get really hung up on veggie crops getting nibbled or destroyed but am getting more complacent in my old age! Your dad sounds quite a character! We also have a squirrel that helps himself to seed and nuts. These garden critters do really well…no need to hunt for food! Aaaah the good life! Photos to follow shortly when I post some more up of the garden. Till then, good night. Thank you for the shared gardening thoughts…it is indeed a lot of fun! 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Brenda 🙂 Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Five 4 Five photo challenge…I thought you might enjoy it 😉 If you’re not sure what its all about check out my post today 🙂 http://wp.me/p3C4k1-3gA No pressure. If you don’t feel inclined, it’s perfectly alright. Enjoy!


    • Not sure about any challenges during the summer. The kids are home, and family-time has taken center stage. My computer time is stolen moments while other things are happening. Right now, I’m trying to do paperwork at the same time. Failing both, no doubt. I do appreciate that you thought of me, and I admire your site, as you well know. XOXO, Brenda


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