Yellowest Green

Daffodils before blooming

The yellowest green
Is the daffodil,
One day away from
Letting yellow spill.

What makes the flower
Pick that day to bloom?
The sun’s the power!
And it makes bees zoom.

Copyright 2015 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: My van is mobile, my son’s foot is mending and my novel is submitted. Fingers crossed. Maybe my eyes, too. This poem is to celebrate Poetry Friday, and the warm breeze it’s brought into my life, perfumed with rich words. This week is hosted by Robyn Hood Black, thank you!!

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42 thoughts on “Yellowest Green

    • Thank you. I often think that moment just before is the best moment of all. The moment when anticipation and expectation can still be met and excitement is at its peak. How exhausting it would be to live always there, though. 🙂


  1. They all have their perfect time, a bit like us really, we don’t all bloom at once! 😀

    Very good luck with your novel Brenda – no more rejections only congratulations! I’m writing a novella on Jottify and Wattpad, at the moment, keeping chapters very short so no-one has trouble keeping up with it all and also poetry in between the prose. It’s a bit scary for me writing it as I go. I normally favour the story plan, but I thought I’d step out and try an experiment. It seems to be going okay at the moment. Fingers and toes crossed! 😉


    • Best wishes with it! I haven’t been back to Jottify in an eon. I wonder if I still remember my passwords. I’m doing a picture book challenge called 12 x 12 (12 books in a year). It’s intense, and takes a huge amount of time in addition to blogging and novel writing and being a mom to three kids. Whew! I keep going, but I wonder how long before I have to make some tough choices.


  2. I wish there were a ‘perfect’ color descriptor for yellow green, Brenda. I think there should be a word for Spring green. You make this very interesting and pretty sounding, using the yellowest green becoming the daffodil’s bloom of yellow.


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