40 thoughts on “Luminous Gold

  1. These branches are so luminous from the sunlight that I had to look twice to verify there wasn’t any ice on them. They certainly glisten, Brenda! Beautiful expression, I love when we think of ourselves as stardust… hoping you have a wonderful Season of Peace, Brenda with your little angels. I imagine you’re baking, cooking and enjoying family times…


  2. Hi Brenda, I just wanted to drop by and let you know that I now have all the particulars for the event I am requesting your participation in. It is called, “A Tour Through Blogland”, and you can find out everything you need to know if you check out my latest post at,” A Welcome To Winter“. I hope to see you there.


  3. I dropped back in to let you know that I have an award for you, but it’s time-sensitive, Jan.5th, so I’ll be sending you the particulars sometime next week, which will give you a whole three weeks to consider your one-time submission should you choose to accept your selection. My submission is slated for Dec.29th. I already commented on this poem, but I don.t mind reminding you that I really liked it. Read you later.


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