Happy Midsummer!

Foxglove in Sunshine

May your inner light shine on the longest day,
Reflecting back the light of the universe.

I also offer a free midsummer fairy tale set in Ireland, about a young girl and the traditions of her family on Midsummer. Here is a link to Midsummer Stew, a tale of fairy retribution and redemption and of the interconnectedness of us all.

Blessings, Brenda

42 thoughts on “Happy Midsummer!

  1. You always make me inspired and uplifted. Now, shall try to shine my inner light while with 5 of 6 grandkids. Two of my grown children, Carrie and Jamie, are working today. Skyle is off with his father and step-mom.
    One with no kids is at Myrtle Beach and glad she is still single. Lol


  2. Beautiful foxgloves! I love how you captured the markings on the inside petals. Happy belated midsummer to you too! 🙂 x


  3. Happy Midsummer to you too! The fairy tale was lovely. we celebrated our Midsummer at Firefly Fiddle Festival: in the wood with great Blue Grass music and once dark…the fire flies were spectacular. Hope yours was special too, Johanna


  4. For a person who works the night shift, I am happy to see this day. I must focus on this day.. Maybe this will be the last time I think of the shortness of the day in six months…


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