New Queen Quinzaine


Today we crowned the Fae Queen.
Did you hear her sing
Like a lark?

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: Inspired by Paint the World with Words Poetry Prompt, the Quinzaine, which is a form of three-lined, unrhymed poetry, taking the form of a statement with a question in one or two parts, with a syllable count, 7/5/3.

Sample Quinzaines:

Life holds new adventures
Will I fear it
or will I grab it?

Flower pictures please me so;
Is it the colors
Or the bees?


38 thoughts on “New Queen Quinzaine

  1. Pingback: The “Be Inspired Weekly” Writing Challenge #25 | Paint the world with words
  2. Beautiful! I liked the way you worded this! I love nature and I like how you incorporate it in your poems. I am glad that you wrote twice for this challenge and made this week’s challenge fun! Your writing is amazing as always! Keep writing such great poems ever!



  3. Ah – so next time I hear a lark, I shall know!! 😉 That’s a really lovely picture of that flower! 🙂 Is it a Magnolia, or just another flower that looks similar? I’m not great on flowers, but occasionally get them right!


  4. Pingback: Truth or Dare? | Jules Longer Strands of Gems
    • It was a challenge to make it take a fairy tale shape. But it was fun, too. Haikus never ask questions, so that required a new mindset. Are you going to try it? I searched for Quinzaines on wordpress and there were very few. In fact, I didn’t find all that many on google either.


  5. Brenda, So many of the flowers you have shared with me have been ones I have been somewhat familar with. This one I am not, thought it is quite beautiful. Is the the normal blooming time? Take care, Bill


    • This one is from a tree near here. It’s a dwarf magnolia of some sort would be my guess. The bloom is as big as my palm, but the tree doesn’t stand much above 6 feet. It has a very sweet scent.


  6. What a beautiful beautiful flower and I love the poem too!! I was wondering, would you like to read my “Secret Garden” Poem that I published today, I was thinking perhaps you would like it! I thought of you when I posted it 🙂


  7. Pingback: Mystery Flower Quinzaine | Friendly Fairy Tales

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