Be Free Haibun

© AnElephantCant

© AnElephantCant

Golly, did I hear you say you would be free if you could?
— Gussy the Goose, Charlotte’s Web (2006)

Would you be free? What does that mean? Does it mean doing what you like, when you like, without regard to others? Don’t our families, our culture and our governments all impose restraints on us every day?

Definition of Freedom, n,
the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action.

If being free means leaving my home behind, shirking my responsibilities, letting others carry my burdens, then I don’t think I would be free.

home and hearth
heart beats for my family
magic ties that bind

Others talk about freedom in the governmental sense, freedom from tyranny, enslavement, unjust punishments, torture, abuse, theft and many countless other miseries. We all give up certain rights to our governments, and we want some return on that investment. If we give up so many rights and a percentage of our income, then we should get some benefits: safety, security, peace, prosperity and freedom from abuses, these are some basics people want.

freedom from tyranny
safe homes in an unspoiled land
sunshine and clean water

That is a freedom I want for everyone: to have clean water, a safe home, healthy nature nearby, no one afraid to be killed for speaking one’s thoughts. I want a world like that for my children and their children. For you and your children, too. If we all have respect for each other, perhaps we can manage that.

healthy air to breathe
nature’s abundance for all
garden in sunshine

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham

Inspired by Haibun Thinking Week #9, a film quote and photo from AnElephantCant.


48 thoughts on “Be Free Haibun

  1. I’m sure that freedom means different things to different people, but there are some very selfish ideas out there in the world of what freedom means. I guess to be free of anything that drags me down and prevents me from being who I am, is what I look for in being free. I don’t wish to be bound to people, a job or even ideology that causes me to feel trapped. To be able to fly would be good too – but I don’t think I’m going to sprout wings any time soon! 😉


    • I would like to be free to travel. I would love to see new places more. But only if I could bring my family with me. 🙂 Thanks for commenting, my friend. Cheers, Brenda


  2. Can we sign a petition for this???!!?? The most developed nations on Earth, the famous G7: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States are meeting in the Netherlands these days…who knows what THEY will decide…again and again…But we can still dream about integrity and freedom…


  3. Brenda, I would enjoy your vision of freedom, actually cherish it, and in most respects I have those freedoms, and I am grateful to live here and be able to complain when I want. I voted I have the right to bitch. But your vision is softer, more gentle, and much easier on the soul. Please take care, Bill


    • Complain all you want, why not? Vent, but then find your way to a happy spot, a twinkle in your eye, a happy memory in you mind, and mischief on the menu. 🙂 Cheers, Brenda


    • Robin, I like that quote, be the change you want to see in the world. I’m trying to live a good life, making deliberate choices toward a larger good. Whether I change the world isn’t the point, the effort is. That’s the way I’ve come to look at it. It makes me feel less helpless. More connected and empowered. 🙂 Hugs, Brenda


  4. I enjoyed reading ,Brenda. This particularly resonated with me ‘If being free means leaving my home behind, shirking my responsibilities, letting others carry my burdens, then I don’t think I would be free.’ – I’m not sure exactly why, maybe it’s a sense of love coming through those words, you love your home to the point that its captivates you, freeing you.


    • Eleni, Yes, I think being bound to things you love makes you free, because after all you have chosen them, they have chosen you, and what is more quintessentially free than that? Thanks for reading, commenting and understanding. Warmly, Brenda


  5. Excellent! This really takes in many of the ideas and ideals we attach to the word freedom. Well thought out and a great write and read! Let’s hope many will work for the freedom of clean air and safe homes…the freedom to live in a “garden of sunshine”! Ciao, Georgia.


  6. This is so well written. But I have to say I got momentarily wistful at the thought of “shirking my responsibilities and letting others carry my burdens”. Maybe just for a week or so? That’d be okay, right?


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