Don’t look now! It’s my BIRTHDAY!!

I’m a Spring baby, born to dance like the spring flowers. To share my spring joy, I made this video:

I won’t tell you how many years I’ve seen, but I wouldn’t trade one because they’ve brought me to this happy place. This year, I’m hoping for clear weather on my birthday, because I want to visit the ocean with my three kids. I’ll try to take some pictures for all of you. Meanwhile, some birthday treats for anyone who wants to be part of the party:

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A Fairy Tale Year!!


Somehow, without my noticing, I have reached my one year blogoversary. WordPress let me know, and I was actually surprised. I’ve hardly noticed the year passing, I love the WordPress community and publishing. I even find myself thinking about attending BlogHer, although the likelihood is low, given my three kids need my time.

I started blogging without much clue, just putting stories up to make it easier to get copies to requesting beta-readers. Over the last year, I have been welcomed by other bloggers, who have become friends, you know who you are! To take a snapshot of progress, friendly fairy tales has 1379 followers and 36,293 hits since June from 103 countries. I have published nearly 50 fairy tales and over 110 poems. That averages about one story and two poems a week. I have had such fun sharing and hearing back from readers of all ages. I counted up all the likes laboriously some day after I passed 10,000 total and not since. No idea how many like I have now, as WordPress is keeping that knowledge pretty tight these days, but I know I have 8,123 comments. Holy Mackerel! Thanks WordPress, for all the information you do give, it’s more than I can process most days.

I have also collected well over a hundred awards, and I have even more thanks to share for these: Continue reading

Santa is Coming to Town

Ho ho ho! I’ve been to the North Pole, and when Santa heard that you’ve all been naughty and/or nice, he decided you needed some presents! You might prefer a rainbow loom, chocolates, plane tickets to Tahiti, diamonds or the new Beyonce CD, but I’m afraid all I can afford to fit through the internet wires are these little treats. Each and every one of you bloggers should take a present, if you want one, with my good wishes.

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Awarded Blog of the Year Among Other Blessings!!

I never imagined the response I have gotten to my fairy tales, here on Friendly Fairy Tales. I originally put up stories for family to be able to read them without my providing everyone copies. (I have a BIG family.)

The warmth of community I have found has been a fairy tale come true for me. I love all the comments. I love hearing that others love fairy tales, and even more, that others love my stories. And all the awards make me happy, more on that below…

Thanks to everyone who visits, who likes, who comments or even just enjoys my stories, my photographs and my poetry. For all of you, I have made an underwater visual fairy tale (a new video!!), called Fairy Fish Tails, which has an original score composed by my oldest son.

The video was a long time in the works, and as a result, I have been slow to pass along thanks for awards, but here goes:

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Tricks or Treats?!

Happy Halloween, and  to all my fabulous fellow fairy tale lovers, here are some treats (I’ll leave the tricks to the fae tonight):

Thanks to the blogs I visit, who have filled tonight’s cauldron with treats of many kinds. Some of my favorites, I got again and again! I love when that happens! 🙂

Thanks to Dear Kitty or Petrel41 for the Reader Appreciation Award!! Love her lore, wide-ranging from animals to current events to women’s issues. Hope you get a chance to visit her. 🙂


Thanks to lifebeinggirly for the Versatile Blogger Award. She is adorable, and I love that she is flying the girly flag high. We all need to love who we are, because we are pretty darn terrific!!  Painttheworldwithwords then chimed in with another Versatile Blogger Award. Amreen is a poet, a designer and a talented blogger with a penchant for beauty. Here is a lovely poem by him:

The soul of my poems 
define the tune of my life 
singing my presence. 
Amreen Shaikh


Thanks to In My Hands for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award! If you can’t get enough of black and white cat pictures and Chekhov, then you must check her out. Cats and great literature. Who can resist that? Then Bullying Prevention came in with another nomination for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award! He is doing god’s work, trying to make the world a better place for all. I’m delighted to see posts from both, they are always food for thought and very moving.


And a new and different icon for the Versatile Blogger Award from Chronicles of a Public Transit User. Oddly enough, we both almost died when we were four. We also both love Halloween. Kudos for a great award posting, too, worth a visit!!


I can’t tell you all how important all of you have become to me. I love to hear your comments, to see your likes, and to read your posts. I’m still here, spinning my stories, pairing photographs and verse, and trying to express my inner voice. Something crucial has changed, though. I feel more connected and less alone than I ever have in my life.

Together, through our words, I believe we can change the world forever. Make it a place where it’s okay to be yourself. I don’t have to look like Angelina Jolie (hey, I wouldn’t turn it down…) to write a good story. We don’t all have to be writing the same things. Viva la difference!! I cherish all of you, and I hope you all have fruitful, productive and glorious Novembers. Special hugs to those of you starting Nanowrimo, you go!!

I nominate these special trick or treaters to share my loot, please reach a hand in the cauldron and take any treats you like (or none if you don’t have a sweet tooth):

Tails from Paris
Persecution of Mildred Dunlap
Dully Pepper

And some Halloween pictures to thank my readers and fairy tale lovers everywhere:

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Copyright 2013 Brenda Davis Harsham

Celebration Symphony

Making blogging like a fairy tale, wonderful people have joined voices to give me this amazing symphony of awards.

Thanks to those gifting me recognition and honors, but also to all of my readers, commenters, followers and friends, who keep me going with your warmth and attention!

In celebration of summer, I want to remember all those who take care of the children. All the parents, whose children are near and far, young and grown. And to all the children who love their parents, might not have children of their own yet, but still love the kids in their lives. All the people who are not the birth parent, but are heart parents, who nurture, love and support their adopted children and friends. To all the grandparents, big and little parts of the lives of their grandchildren, but holding them in their hearts. And to all the music teachers, tutors, camp counselors, swim instructors, life guards, camp administrators and staffers, wow, you are amazing!!

Caregivers aren’t perfect. We all make mistakes, but there we are, day in and day out, helping protect and raise the next generation. I celebrate all of you! You are all miracles! Today I’m granting the You are a Miracle Blogger Award to some good blogger friends who are there for their children and/or grandchildren. I hope you will check them out, they rock.


Emily at fortuitous
Lady Fi
The Mother of Nine9

I know so many more of you are out there, and I want you to know you are miracles, too.

I also have thanks to pass along to Julianne Victoria at Through the Peacock’s Eyes, for a duet of amazing awards: The Versatile Blogger and the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award.  She has so much wisdom at her site, I hope you’ll visit her. Then Funny for Nothing came in on the last chorus and performed the WTMR Award in an amazing guitar solo! I’m thinking Eric Clapton meets Joshua Bell and the devil goes down to Georgia.

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To Ajaytao, bless him for his peaceful presence, has contributed a lilting trio: the Most Influential Blogger, the Inner Peace Award and the Very Inspiring Blogger (WOW! Three powerhouses!!).

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Morgan at BooknVolume performed a wonderful duet, followed by another lively rendition of the same two awards by Megan at Creative Magic. Thanks to both magical, wonderful women who have powerful words and great images. Thanks to them, friendlyfairytales is hearing the wonderful music of the Versatile Blogger and the WordPress Family Award.

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And last, but not least, a new friend has given me a unique appreciation award, thanks to SoundEagle! It means a lot to me to be honored by such a multi-talented person! You won’t be disappointed if you visit him and check out the swimming koi. 🙂


I hope music surrounds you and makes your day joyful! All this music has lifted my soul high.

What virtuosos you all are. I’m privileged to be gifted all these honors.

I started my blog to make it easier to share my writing with my friends and family, because photocopying was getting expensive. I really did not expect to reach any other audience, but when the first email came, announcing a complete stranger thought my story was awesome (Thanks again Len at Kraken’s Wake!), I was hooked. Yep, I’m even friends with the Hook now. I love this cyberworld I share with all of you, you’ve changed my life forever.

And, by now it’s tradition, some flowers for thanks:

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May all your endeavors bear fruit and may you shine with the glow of health and sun! And be blessed by the fairies!

Warmly, Brenda

Sauce for the Goose


I’m feeling a bit saucy today. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Don’t be a goose, take a gander at this delectable sauce — composed of delicate hints of the Versatile Blogger Award, a dash of the Loyal Reader and a smattering of Team Membership.

Heartfelt thanks to Belsbror and SimonOworkman, who both separately awarded me the Versatile Blogger Award. Belsbror has great stories, very moving and descriptive. I like his analogy of a blog being like a tree, you should check him out. SimonOworkman has a very engaging and lyrical writing style. I like his caterpillar poem very much.


A double dose of thanks to Jessica Hagan for the piquant Loyal Reader and Wonderful Team Membership Awards. She has inspiring photographs of flowers, butterflies, bees and cats. My appreciation of nature grows every day with the privilege of seeing it through her eyes.


Details about me: I took the last photograph here hanging out of my car window. My three kids and I think up new stories constantly. My middle child has written a fairy tale and wants me to publish it, and I will be proud to do so one day soon. I walk most mornings, and my skin burns to a crisp in the sun, so I usually wear a large-brimmed hat. I have loved fairy tales all my life, and I try to approach every day as if it will be magical, full of beauty and wonder and have compassion when the clouds come. I never expected to enjoy reading the blogs of others as much as I do. Thanks all of you for participating in this exotic, global wonderland.

Now for the swag, here are 14 lovely bloggers who can take home the above three awards in their goodie bag (dig it or ditch it, it’s up to you):

Len, my first reader and most loyal follower. He’s an artist, a dad, a writer, a loving husband, an artist and a student. I can’t imagine more versatility, loyalty and team membership!

Travel Sized, an experienced traveler with lots to share, and a deep appreciation for nature even to the point of camping!

Ed, another loyal reader, who also has a deep connection to nature and has fantastic photos.

Wildersoul, a new friend, who has a cool coloring book for kids — not just more princesses and trains. Love especially her Celtic knotwork and video of her coloring.

Donicia, an old soul in a beautiful young woman, has been a great reader and encourager. I love her photos and quotes. Bless her for being part of my community.

Whyilovewesttexas, another great reader, has a great appreciation of nature.

PacificParatrooper, is a treasure trove of history about World War II in the Pacific and all aspects of life in that time period.

Windup-Razor-Chronicles by Son of Sharecropper is a delightful amalgam of fishing, shaving, poetry and amazing photos.

Basho and Jung, is the Haiku king! Love those pink ears on his gravatar, too. Always a giggle.

Dagny at Serenely Rapt, has inspiring writing, poetry and prose on a beautiful site.

Old News has a brilliant archive of some of my favorite comic strip artists, visit if you need some belly laughs.

Vit Peyr, whose photographs amaze and inspire me, is worth a visit. A look is like entering a fairy tale.

Wish I were here, has amazing stories and pictures from all over the world, and is a great reader.

Jeweledfrogcreations has inspiring designs with an endearing whimsy.

For all readers, these photographs are dedicated to all of you. I’m grateful to all of you, you’ve helped me transform friendlyfairytales from a dream into a rewarding reality. Each one of you has lent me some magic, given me encouragement and welcomed my stories with more affection and attention than I ever expected. Thanks for being part of my world.

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I hope that wherever your eye is drawn, you find the beauty and magic there. I see beauty and magic in all of you.


Peace, love, joy and magic!
