
Meet our snow creature: Snowtoro!

Snow totoro Snowtoro

Snowtoro was inspired by Totoro, a movie by Hayao Miyasaki and Studio Ghibli. If you haven’t seen it, you’ve missed a gem. Two girls meet a big fluffy, teddy bear of a forest creature — the totoro. When the younger one disappears, Totoro helps the older girl search for her. You can watch the trailer here. Even two-year olds love this movie. Here is a Haiku in honor of a great film and my kids abiding love for it:

white tongue tastes
snowflakes drenched in freezing rain
Snowtoro smiles

Copyright 2015 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: Another big storm is blowing through our area tomorrow with 12 inches of snow and freezing rain forecast. Another snow day and more sledding. Woo-hoo!

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