Haunts of Ennis Abbey

stone walls frame 
old monkish dormitories 
left to the lichen 

low doorways, tiny cells, 
and silent contemplation 

Copyright Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: This photograph was taken at Ennis Friary, County Clare, Ireland. I was fascinated by the contrasts: tiny windows, completely blocked. Ivy left wild, but a carefully-trimmed lawn. Weedy grass, lit by brilliant yellow blooms. Whitewashed walls, sagging out of true. I’d like to return to Ireland, same as my daughter. Feel the cool breezes rising over the green hills. I’m not sure why we loved it so much. Are you part of the vast Irish diaspora?


4 thoughts on “Haunts of Ennis Abbey

  1. Pingback: Haunts of Ennis Abbey — Friendly Fairy Tales | By the Mighty Mumford

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