Thanks and Giving

whirl, swirl, 
frisk and flutter, 
before settling into  
honey and russet blankets,
beech, maple, birch, oak, cherry.
From spring to fall, each paper-thin
leaf gives its fragile life to the tree, thankful, 

Copyright 2020 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: Concrete poems have words that form a relevant shape. I tried for a leaf-shape, but the poem wanted to be a tree. Amazing how long these take to write. I’m thankful for this glorious fall, when the world seems new again, and 2020 shows promise of change. I’m thankful for family, staying close and separate from others. Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans and Happy Fall to everyone else!

20 thoughts on “Thanks and Giving

    • Thanks, Michelle. I thought I would focus this year on the thanks and the giving of Thanksgiving. Usually I only focus on thanks. I feel sad that the native Americans who were part of that first Thanksgiving are getting a hard time from the government, though.

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