A Book by the Brook — Don’t Ask a Dinosaur

Finds tongues in trees, books in running brooks,
Sermons in stones, and good in everything.

— William Shakespeare

A Book by the Brook: Book Reviews at FriendlyFairyTales.com

This light romp from Deborah Bruss and Matt Forest Esenwine has loads of laughs as dinos try wrapping presents and baking cakes in Don’t Ask a Dinosaur. The text has loads of those tough dino names, all with dots to separate the syllables into pronounceable snack-sizes. And it scans smoothly and rhymes! I know, I couldn’t believe it either. Plus, Louie Chin did a wonderful job bringing the dinos to vivid but not-too-scary life.

Notes: Matt gave me a sneak peek at the book, but I believe it’s newly out this week. If you have a tyke with a dino-fixation, you will soon be the cool parent who can pronounce all those tongue-twisting names.

Writing Tip: Pair unexpected things for humor value, like dinosaurs and birthday parties. Like, don’t ask a tiger to watch your baby brother. If you think of a funny pairing, please leave it in the comments.

Happy Poetry Friday and thanks to Tabatha Yeatts at the Opposite of Indifference for hosting!

Poetry Friday with kids

36 thoughts on “A Book by the Brook — Don’t Ask a Dinosaur

  1. Thanks for sharing, Brenda. “Don’t Ask a Dinosaur” sounds like something my grandson would say and a book he’d enjoy. As for a pairing, maybe don’t ask a skunk to clean your house.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you for sharing this “dino”mite book, Brenda! I think your writing tip sounds fun! Also, I appreciate the words of the writerly wisdom that you offered me this week. It’ s so important to remember to be a patient writer, trusting the words will come in due time.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wonderful Shakespeare quote. It sets up the incongruity in your post wonderfully. I don’t have an original incongruous example, but Nikki Giovanni’s poem “I Wrote a Good Omelet” is filled with them.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. It scans smoothly and rhymes?? It teaches how to pronounce the names easily?? My hat is off!!
    You want another unexpected pairing? Okay, how about don’t ask a pirate to be your dentist? Anything could happen!

    Liked by 2 people

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