Why Salt Marshes?


Minnows swim. Crabs hide.
Tides roll in, tides roll out,
drowned to drought.

Plovers pipe. Wren nest.
Mussels and clams filter waste
and toxins out. 

Better yet, marshes ease
climate change, locking up
carbon in peat.

Herons wade. Egrets fish,
while the salty tide surges,
life’s drumbeat.

Copyright 2018 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: The world over, scientists are urging us to let coastlines return to marshes. Not only are they beautiful, but they prevent coastline erosion, keep fish populations high, and reduce pollution.

Happy Birthday, Lee Bennett Hopkins!! In honor of his birthday, I’m playing a new game, Add A Poem, winging this poem like a paper airplane toward Lee Bennett Hopkins’ anthology, Spectacular Science: A Book of Poems (illustrated by Virginia Halstead, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 1999). Maybe you want to launch a poem celebrating science in his direction, too.

Happy Poetry Friday and thanks to Robyn Hood Black at Life on the Deckle Edge for hosting. Stop by for a celebration of Lee Bennett Hopkins’ birthday and a linkup of poetry for the week.

For more poems celebrating Spectacular Science, check out Christie Wyman who’s focusing on vernal pools and contributed her own poem celebrating science and Buffy Silverman who asked pertinent science questions in her poem Spring Questions.

Poetry Friday Heron

68 thoughts on “Why Salt Marshes?

  1. Pingback: Salt Marsh Ditty | Friendly Fairy Tales
  2. I love this poem, Brenda! When I taught third grade, our big field trip of the year was to a beach in New Haven that had a salt marsh at one edge. It was always so peaceful there. Even though they don’t go on this trip anymore, I’m going to share your poem with my 3rd grade colleagues. (Spectacular Science is one of my favorites, too!)

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Lovely poem that captures the wonder of salt marshes. One of my favorite kayak tours was through a salt marsh where we stopped to explore many of the things included in your poem. I love the idea of adding more and more science poems. I’ll have to ponder and see what I come up with.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I explored salt marshes by the sea of Cortez several times with my students, Brenda. They are fascinating, wonderful creations of Mother Nature’s. Sad to know that so many have been filled in. Your poem brings in so much of their abundant help.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Pingback: Happy Birthday Tribute #PoetryFriday #NPM #NaPoWriMo – Wondering and Wandering
  6. Such a great informational poem. When I was growing up we had a marsh (not a salt marsh) on the edge of our property. My brothers and I loved it! We moved away and years later I visited the property… and a housing development had been built over it. I was so sad!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I love this poem. When we moved into our house in the country years ago, our front field/yard was a cornfield. We didn’t renew the cornfield lease but let the field/yard go back to nature. It now is home to all kinds of plants and wildlife. I think if you can let nature go back to nature (hah) it encourages all kinds of growth.

    Liked by 2 people

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