Bee Patient


towering salvia stalk,
every tiny purple trumpet
is tenderly touched

Copyright 2017 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: Would I could write my stories as slowly and carefully, with each word tenderly touched and placed just so. And so the whole story-world might grow. Have a magical weekend. We are unexpectedly going to a wedding of sweet, new friends. But I’m still thinking about my writing.

Writing Tip: Here’s a writing tip from the SCBWI Encore Conference I attended last weekend: The best humor is not humiliation. Humor is best when tweaking the power dynamic. In other words, someone who has less power is tweaking the nose of someone with more. So it’s funnier when a kid makes fun of a teacher than when a teacher laughs at a kid. When someone in power laughs at their subordinate, that is humiliation, perhaps even abuse. So if you are the boss, be careful of making fun of your employees. And when trying to write a funny scene, beware of using humiliation.

31 thoughts on “Bee Patient

  1. The proficient guy cable tends to be the uncoiled guy cable, so s/he doesn’t appall anyone. I lovemaking this mail for at least three reasons: Your Bee; Your going to a wedding ceremony; your very judicious advice about humour.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Cynthia. It was a busy weekend. A great one, too. And I’ve been paying more attention to humor and how it’s used in movies/books. The bad guy often uses humiliation. The good guy tends to be the straight guy, so s/he doesn’t offend anyone. It’s fascinating.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Always such an uplifting post. Oh, I was reading several other blog posts, and the one I read before yours was about a lady dating after divorce and all the problems. I commented and said, “Be patient.” Immediately afterwards, I read your post that said, “Bee Patient.” I smiled.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. i love you approach to slow and thoughtful writing. thinking about each word. you do this so well, it’s clear in your writing. i think you are so right about humor ,too, if we laugh at ourselves and those in a more powerful position than us, it feels right. if we try to make fun of those with less, it just feels cruel. enjoy your wedding –

    Liked by 1 person

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