Geyser of Ideas

Old Faithful Geyser of California

September brings so many thoughts, ideas and plans,
things to do, see to, begin, accomplish and enjoy,
that my subterranean reservoir fills until ideas
geyser up in a hot, fraught fountain of chaos. 
The scent of sulphur mingles with white water
making the ground spongy. I have a reckless desire
to plunge in, boiling with ability to see what comes.

Does this happen to you? September is a witches’ brew.

Copyright 2017 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: This photo was taken at the Old Faithful Geyser of California in Calistoga. I’m back from California, where a mountain of paperwork caused landslides of shredding and a castle of file-tiles, but I survived. Afterwards, we viewed the only Petrified Forest in California and one of the three faithful geyser’s in the world. I am now so overwhelmed with things to do, I don’t know where to start. Perhaps with a list…

And Happy Poetry Friday! Thanks to Kathryn Apel, a fabulous Australian author, for hosting.

43 thoughts on “Geyser of Ideas

  1. Ha ha! Yes, this happens to me too…..all my ideas are completely poured into school and teaching. I’m already having fun lesson planning and gathering resources. There’s a lot of energy in this poem…just like a perfect September day.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reading the Poetry Friday roundup every week does this to me, too! I have so many ideas for writing…and so little free time (unfortunately). But I make my lists and I tuck in some writing wherever/whenever I can!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Geyser of Ideas–via Friendly Fairy Tales: | By the Mighty Mumford
  4. Ahhhh yes, September and bubbling thoughts! My daughter reminds me that soon it will be time to plunge into the nightmare that is my closet in order to dig out fall/Hallowe’en decorations. My granddaughter reminds me that we haven’t baked cookies together for a very long time. My flowers are drooping due to the diminishing daylight and I need to capture the seeds for next year, pull some weeds. Meanwhile, there is my writing which takes up 10-12 hours on the average day. And wait … my daily walks are curtailed because it is getting dark earlier, so I need to get up earlier and walk in the morning rather than the evening. And that reminds me …

    Liked by 2 people

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