Freckled Lily


Rippled pond,
dew-strung lawn.
Yawning moon
welcomes dawn.

Freckled lily,
dappled light.
Brindled dog
barks away night.

Rising songbirds,
snuggling owls.
High-strung cat
fusses and yowls.

One eye open,
I view the day,
hear caterwauling,
push sleep away.

Tea and oatmeal,
plump blackberries.
I paint with words
and dust of fairies.

Copyright 2017 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: This poem is half-fantasy, as usual. This morning I woke with a splitting headache to a gray day, but I imagined that waking away. Happy Poetry Friday! Thanks to Linda Mitchell for hosting at A Word Edgewise! A public apology to Jone: I should have mailed your postcard a week ago, but I am late, late, late for that very important date! Will get it into the magic blue box today.

62 thoughts on “Freckled Lily

  1. Pingback: #AppreciateYourCreativeFriendsWeek! Part 4 – Humoring the Goddess
  2. OMG! What a great fairy poem. I’m getting quite fairied up as the new Art Gown is reaching completion, and then I begin ours!
    I just love this blog , and all your wonderful pictures and thoughts!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Well done, Brenda. I really like poems with very short lines. I think they’re harder to write, and they’re sort of lighter and more musical if that makes any sense.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, the weather is cloudy and undecided today, like I am when I’m standing in front of my closet. I could use some nice, uncomplicated sun. I hear it’s coming tomorrow! Yay! Sorry to hear about your lily. For me, it was the scarlet lily beetle that needed defeating.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m laughing out loud — we always think a poem describes what really happened, forgetting the part imagination can play in the process!! (Hope your headache got better!)

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Mary, Lee. Thanks for stopping by! Imagination should be allowed into poetry. I know some people believe poetry has to be confessional and revelatory, and they have a choke hold on many poetry journals (especially academic ones) but plenty of ordinary people like poetry that isn’t uncomfortable or depressing to read. That is part of what pushes people away from adult poetry. They read adult poetry, and they expect it will have some of the joy, lightness and magic that kids’ poetry has and are confused /embarrassed/ left cold by it. So I decided to buck the traditional establishment and write for kids of all ages. That was before I found the community of kids’ poets and realized I had found kindred spirits. I am moving sideways back to revelatory poetry, but in a mild, non-confessional way. I don’t want to lose the fun though.

      And happily, my headache is gone! Yay!


  5. Wow! A gorgeous photograph AND a delight-filled poem to go with it. I love the “dew strung lawn” and also that whole last stanza. Wonders to be savored! Hope you are feeling better!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. A yawning moon, snuggling owls…what is not to love. And thank you for the apology an as I apologize right back. Your poem needs to go into the mail today. I have carted it around with me for a week.

    Liked by 2 people

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