Happy Mother’s Day

Our oldest love, our first love,
unfolding from our own birth,
grows as we take our first steps,
flows in our veins,
lodges in our fiber.
The love that makes us children again.
We love you, Mom!

Copyright 2017 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: This post is edited from an older Mother’s Day post and is dedicated to all moms, full-time, part-time, one-time, for-all-time moms. Moms near, moms far, moms always in the heart, whatever the name: Mom, Mum, Mam, Mama, Mommy, Step-Mom, Ma, Maw,  Mamasita, Mother, Ahm, Majka, Maman, Mãe, Matka, Mor, Moeder, Màna, Mutter, Madre, Mamma, Okaasan, Haha, Mat’, Mami, Mzazi. Please let me know other words for “Mother,” and I’ll add them here. Much love to all Moms!!

Written while my children are making the house smell like a Breakfast Paradise. Can’t wait to taste my kids’ love.

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