Reverso Poem

Blue Anemone Windflower




Notes: The photo is a windflower (Anemone nemorosa). The poem is a reverso,  a poetic form that Marilyn Singer makes look easy in her book,

Echo Echo: Reverso Poems About Greek Myths

Written by: Marilyn Singer, Illustrated by: Josée Masse, Published by: Dial Books for Young Readers, 2016.

The form employs two opposing voices. The first reads top to bottom. The second flips the order, the meaning and the perspective. Punctuation and capitalization are generally changed, but the words are the same, just in reverse order.

Thanks to Doraine Bennett at Dori Reads for hosting Poetry Friday this week! Come back Saturday when I wave my magic wand and add line 15 to the 2017 Progressive Poem!

poetry friday button

56 thoughts on “Reverso Poem

  1. Finally made it here! Busy week and weekend! But it was well worth the wait and determination!
    Love that you tried and succeeded so well at this form. It is tough, but it is also one that really opens up the brain to work. I’ll bet that it has given you a desire to try another even! I also love the format of the “card” with the two colors and words separated onto the two sides. Very effective and love the viewpoint of each!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Donna. I’m using this month to face my fears instead of trying to write every day. I’m trying new forms, participating in daunting enterprises and generally having fun doing it. 🙂 Happy Easter, a day late.


  2. Appreciations for this magical duality. It leaves me reading & re-reading to see how these two mirror each other. Brava!
    And also, thanks for giving me a new wildflower – windflower – with a stunner of an image!

    Liked by 1 person

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