Gingerbread Solstice


gingerbread scent
December torment

Copyright 2016 Brenda Davis Harsham


We’ve made our Holiday cookies, and my children are circling like sharks. Having to wait to eat cookies is a sweet torment. Visiting gingerbread castles, like this one at Wilson Farm in Lexington, MA, is a torment of a different sort.

Happy Midwinter! Google tells me the winter solstice is 5:44 am on Wednesday, December 21 in my neck of the woods. I offer another midwinter poem here.

Happy Poetry Friday! Thanks to Tabatha Yeatts at The Opposite of Indifference for hosting this week!. Visit her to link up or visit other great poems/poets, many of whom are celebrating haiku with #haikuforhealing. Poetry Friday is open to all. Hey, they welcomed fairy-crazy me!


63 thoughts on “Gingerbread Solstice

  1. Pingback: Confectioner’s Christmas | Friendly Fairy Tales
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  4. Wow, what a gingerbread house, that’s stunning – delicious!!! 😀 I loved gingerbread or ginger biscuits as we called them in my childhood. My mum had an awesome recipe for ginger biscuits, I still use it today. It’s interesting that gingerbread is such a feature of your Christmas in the US – it’s not so much in the UK. We go more for the mince pies, and sometimes buttery shortbread biscuits.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Isn’t it curious how the Gingerbread Man and gingerbread houses are linked to this holiday time? I’m sure someone has written at least a PhD if not a book on it…this one is amazing. Today is the day that all the UU children will make “gingerbread” houses at the holiday party at our congregation, and here
    is my poem about that from a few years ago. Wishing you and your family a bright Solstice–we will have our humblegrand Solstice Dinner on Wednesday (school night be damned) and now I have to go get organized!

    Liked by 2 people

    • The UU do a great job of embracing all. I love them. I love the idea of “gingerbread sheds” made of graham crackers. Too awesome! I am fascinated by the roots of gingerbread, which must go way back. Someone should do a book!


  6. Hard to imagine putting something together like that gingerbread house! We don’t do too many cookies, but the tin of what we have seems to be opened quite a bit. Thanks Brenda for the truth of Christmas cookies!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: Poetry Friday: A Gift of Birds – Check It Out

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