Finding Red

Oak leaves with red at the edges

A toddler oak glints like rubies.
Too young for acorns, trunk,
Or boughs, just a sprig,
a sprout, a snip of joy,
with earth between its toes,
it has unfolded proudly.
Its leaves flower in fall,
alight, aglow, aflame,
crimson with yearning for spring.
Its sire has amber leaves and brown
scattered about the ground.
Does the tiny tree dread
gale force winds, ice and snow
more than its older kin?

Copyright 2015 Brenda Davis Harsham

43 thoughts on “Finding Red

  1. That little fledgling oak sure is “purty,”Sweet Brenda. I like how you and Beth are gingers. I have my new grandson, Hendrix, to kiss his sweet red hair. My Mom’s hair is brown and thin. She doesn’t want her hair done. In fact, she cut it while in the bathroom about 2 inches chopped off. 🙂 Silly Mom! She used to have auburn wavy hair. I dye mine a little golden red. Anyway, your “ginger colored oak baby” is cute! Hope you can save the tree! ♡

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great poem, dear Bren…. These verses truly stand out …
    “Its leaves flower in fall,
    alight, aglow, aflame,
    crimson with yearning for spring”.
    I also liked the way you played with the two meanings of “leaves” here…. That was very clever, indeed.
    Love and best wishes. Aquileana ★⭐

    Liked by 1 person

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