River Drifting

Water Lily

River blooms green
Between water lily stars.
Swans nibble
Tender water moss
While minnows
Dart amid the bobbing
Carpet of green.
Water striders flee.
A hush falls as
The great blue heron
Lifts its wide wings.
He beats the air from his
Driftwood perch.
A redwinged blackbird
Flashes red and yellow stripes
Among the elderberries.
Mrs. Mallard pecks at
Arrow Arum.
A Canada goose stands
On one foot in the shallows.
The current carries us
Ever onward
Toward the sea,
The light in our eyes.

Copyright 2015 Brenda Davis Harsham

Water Lily and lily pads


Note: I’ve been boating with the kids for three days straight. They took to stand-up paddle boarding. They might never canoe again.

66 thoughts on “River Drifting

  1. I liked when you met birds along the way, Brenda. I can imagine all your creative thoughts, popping into your mind, while drifting and pulled by the current towards the open sea.


  2. I spent a magical day last week with my grandson at Lochwinnoch Bird Sanctuary, just outside Glasgow.
    You have somehow put it into words.


  3. Lovely , Miss Brenda. Spending time with your family is so special. The years fly by too fast. My son is getting married Saturday, so I’ve been visiting here in Chicago for over a month. Special moments. Enjoy your moments… But, I know you do.


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