50 thoughts on “Pairs (Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge)

  1. Pingback: Cee’s Weekly Wrap Up – May 30, 2015 and WPC – On the Way | Cee's Photography
  2. Pingback: Perspective Shift (Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge) | Friendly Fairy Tales
  3. Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Perspective (unusual angle or point of view) | Cee's Photography
    • Just setting aside my struggles with writing and focusing on something else helps me purge the angst and put it into perspective. Jane Yolen described writing a story like a woman delivering a baby. So a story is born of pain, anguish and the struggle to live. I find the more I struggle, the better my writing and the more suffocating the process can be. It’s like the relief of carrying something heavy, and setting it down for a few moments, and having all the muscle tension ease away. Does that make sense or have I gone round the bend?


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