Sounds of Spring

Gate shadows on snow

Thwomp-Boom, ice dams fall.
Birds sing as sunshine strengthens.
Drip, drip, icicle lengthens;
When will the snow go?

Canada Geese waddle into traffic,
Honking: Where’s the ground?
Where can food be found?
When will the snow go?

Cars honk back; engines roar.
Traffic stalls and goggles at geese.
Is it spring despite me wearing fleece?
When will the snow go?

Copyright 2015 Brenda Davis Harsham

Poetry Friday with kids

This Poetry Friday is wrangled by Author Amok. May your inner child be joyful this weekend!

Note: I was driving back from the pediatrician with my son, who clonked his head on the ice Sunday night (he has a mild concussion and will be fine), when two prosperous-looking Canada Geese waddled right across the busy road. The sight of them in the road is unusual, they generally congregate on grassy lawns. It reminded me that the wild things are even more inconvenienced by the remaining mountains of snow than I am. And that spring is nearly here!! Woo-hoo! The geese have returned! Given I was driving, I didn’t get a picture of them.

49 thoughts on “Sounds of Spring

  1. Think not this quite contrary
    But there is a Snow Fairy!

    your entire blog is a Snow Fairytale since months.. such beautiful one! I am sincerly sorry for your son, but these things simply happen! Mine scratched his arm badly playing football this afternoon for example. Our routine:(


  2. Sorry about your son’s concussion, Brenda! I fell a few times while walking my dog this winter, but (somehow?) managed to avoid a concussion/breaking anything. Yesterday I saw some migrating hooded mergansers — such cute birds!
    I especially like the lines “Birds sing as sunshine strengthens.
    Drip, drip, icicle lengthens”


    • I looked up the hooded mergansers, and they are beautiful bird. I’ve never seen them before. Nature is so gorgeous!! Thanks for your kind words about my poetry. I’m glad you weren’t hurt on the ice. My son is back to normal, thank goodness! Now it’s snowing again!! And it’s sticking. Unbelievable. I just got online to see if I can tell how much we’re going to get. 🙂


  3. Hi, Brenda. The spring thaw is bringing lots of geese to our area (Maryland) also. We had rain today, which gathered up the last of the snow and washed it away.


  4. Sorry to hear about your son’s mild concussion, Brenda. His healing will be in my prayers. I love the comical geese, so glad no one ran them over. Always worried about the ducks in the creek next to my apt. My grandies (M & M girls) and I are heading to see, “Cinderella,” which may or may not be a good one for me to see today. I wrote a silly heartbreak poem, which is more prose and less creative than I wished, too. The humor you showed in your playful words was sweet, Brenda. Enjoy the melting snow and hope your sump pump is working and no problems result from the flooding waters…. Hugs, Robin


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