Snow Day Wanted


One of the very best reasons for having children
Is to be reminded of the incomparable joys of a snow day.

Susan Orlean

Snow on Tree, Gray Day

Cold, gray day with
Snow on the way.
Tiny flakes fall,
Hardly any at all.
Just a tease,
Tickling trees.
Children haunted:
Snow day wanted.

Copyright 2015 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: I read this to my son. He sadly shook his head and said: “I don’t think we’re going to get a snow day this year.” Poor guy, we’ve had almost no snow. No sledding, no snow shoeing and no snowmen! On a more prosaic note, I have just spent days updating all my contents pages, poetry, flash fiction, haiku and haibun. I’m still emotional thinking of the many outrageously wonderful compliments left, which make me blush to read the reviews on the contents pages. You might see yourself quoted there. 😉 Thank you all for reading and commenting. I know how busy you are, and I am deeply moved and appreciative!! You’ve restored my ego to almost life-sized just in time for attending a writer’s conference in NYC! I’ll be preparing for that in the next few weeks. Remember the magic! Warmly, Brenda

52 thoughts on “Snow Day Wanted

  1. This is beautiful, and reminds me so much of those no snow days! How it mattered if it snowed – I prayed for snow!! 😀 And now I hope it won’t – sad boring person I’ve become! 😉 Winter is not over yet, snow could arrive any day – but not too much of course, just enough to get that snow sleigh out for!!!


  2. If I could ship snow to you…I would. 🙂 Hooky is something I understand:) We’ve had cold days, instead of snow days…so far. I hope we don’t get anymore snow or cold weather. I’m hoping that tomorrow it will be 80 and the flowers will already be blooming:)


  3. I remember our snow days…would call the owner of the bus company at 5:30am. so I could go back to sleep:) no waiting for radio announcements, thank you very much. That conference sounds awesome…maybe you will bump into my daughter, (chuckles) driving down to watch the Rangers play and spend a 4 days weekend Jan 29th weekend.


  4. Oh, you always make me smile so, Fairy- Brenda! I love your family! I wish I was in it! 🙂 ❤ I love your magical blog too! 🙂 I love Trini-snowy-days! Not the once we had in school, they were all about competitions and I don't like competitions!


  5. We always had a few snow days when my daughter was in school. these days, we have snow days from work, but we all have to work from home. No running out to make a snowman. Enjoy the show.


  6. I’ve never lived anywhere with snow days. So, I always gave my kids one day a year “their choice of day” for a “Hookie Day”. They got to choose what we did that day too. What was really great was there was no make up day in the Summer. 🙂

    Lovely poetry as always!

    Liked by 1 person

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