Get Your Orange On

Orange leaves

Happy October First!
Mornings are dark, wet and gloomy.
The time has come to fear the Worst!!

The veil separating us from the grave
Is thinning and opening windows and doors.
Before the thirty-first, decide who you will save!

Children will turn into Monsters, Heros, Bats,
Witches, Pumpkins and Spirits from Beyond!
Get your orange on and watch out for black cats…

Halloween is coming!

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: This was inspired by Autumn, the changing leaves and the Spooky Writing Contest. Enter if you dare! If you want to see my contribution from last year, it was Halloween Scene Haiku. Other themed writing: Spellbook Haibun and Crankypot Halloween.

Spooky Writing Challenge