A Pine Tree Wakes

Genesee River, Letchworth State Park, New York

When I wake from my long dreaming,
I first look up at the sky.
Far above me, magic dances in white clouds.
Mother Oak holds me fast, in her roots.
Poetry is the movement of her leaves.
Far below me, the river sings its longing for the sea.

Genesee River, Letchworth State Park, New York

Rivulets sink toward the secret aqueduct far below,
The dark, watery womb of all life.
Some droplets rise to adorn cloud castles.
Singing waters plunge over falls,
Scenting the embrace of Lake Ontario.
Flocks of starlings bank and turn.

Genesee River Falls, Letchworth State Park, New York

Wildflowers thirst, drink the spray,
And tremble on the cliffs.
The leaves feel the passing of the season,
As the water does not. As I do not.
We are constant, the water and the pine.
I hold fast to my cliff; I sink back into my dreams.

Genesee River, Letchworth State Park, New York

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: These photographs were taken at Letchworth State Park, where the Genesee River has carved a deep canyon in its headlong rush to join Lake Ontario, the Easternmost Great Lake, that lies between the US and Canada.

27 thoughts on “A Pine Tree Wakes

  1. Pingback: A Pine Tree Wakes | Ta hendene til din kjære – se på dem og hold dem hardt Disse hendene skal du følge, leie og lede. Du skal få føle på varmen fra dem og kjenne en inderlig glede. De skal stryke deg og de skal holde rundt deg – de er ikke skapt
  2. Oh, it’s so beautiful Brenda!! 🙂 Both the lovely dreamy poem and the beautiful photos!! 🙂 now i want to go there! 🙂 The poem and the tree made me think of the Ents in Tolkien’s universe, I love the Ents!! 🙂


  3. Wonderful photos and prose… The third shot captures my eyes the most, but perhaps it is the words as well “Wildflowers thirst, drink the spray, And tremble on the cliffs. The leaves feel the passing of the season, As the water does not. As I do not.”


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