A Prince, A Wince and a Shy Summer Fairy

Roses on an Iron Gate

Jilly-June the Summer Fairy
Lived high on a magic hillside,
Making cordial from black cherry
And hiding her sadness inside.

When she threw a party, relations,
From as far away as Fort Worth,
Came to sing fairy incantations,
Sip cordial and flutter with mirth.

Her fae parties were so renowned
That Prince Luster arrived to sip
Cherry cordial after he was crowned.
Shy Jilly-June gave him the slip.

He was raised with royal manners:
He could not leave without farewells.
Prince Luster hid behind banners
Until Jilly-June joined the spells.

The fairies chanted; magic swelled.
Flowers bloomed. Luster watched, hiding.
The black gate opened. He beheld
A vision that brought him out, striding.

“You are the nymph I spied in a glade,
Sunning your wings and combing your hair.”
He reminded her of promises made and of
A moonlit time when she had seemed to care.

“I found out you were a royal prince!
I thought you were dallying not serious.”
Jilly-June’s exclamation made Luster wince.
“I hid things, but you also were mysterious!”

Jilly-June’s face was wreathed in smiles
As the prince walked toward her beaming.
“I have been searching for you many miles
Until I was afraid I’d been dreaming!”

Jilly-June voiced her inner sadness:
“‘What could a prince want with me?’
Was what I thought in my madness.
I was wrong, and I am filled with glee!”

All around them, happy fairies cheered,
Cordial, marzipan and fairy cakes were passed
As the young couple waved and disappeared
Under the rose archway, newly handfast.

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham

12 thoughts on “A Prince, A Wince and a Shy Summer Fairy

  1. Very good Brenda, I loved this little fairy story poem! Fairy cakes is what the British used to call cupcakes, cupcakes, seems to be taking over now, so nice to see a mention of fairy cakes! 🙂 I was just thinking – those fairies from Fort Worth, do they dig for oil! 😉


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