Cairn for the Sea

Cairn, Ocean, Beach

What offering can we leave the sea?
It has no need of you or me.
The moon can draw forth the waves,
but you and I are but slaves.

Inner anxieties diminish and worries
Lessen in the ocean’s furies.
Peaceful watching the water’s play
Is how I would spend my day.

And yet some sign of thanks are needed
For the peace and joy received.
One of us begins to stack a tall cairn of stone,
With each large rock lifted, a groan.

Each helps and with our effort, fixed on creating beauty
We fulfill our remaining duty,
To show our appreciation for this untamed land
Which gives peace and makes lives grand.

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: I dedicate this post to the Artists for Peace, who are trying to make the world more peaceful, one beautiful piece of art at a time. We need more art, more peace, and less war and violence. The first link will lead you to their page of topics, the one for this August being friendship. I chose a topic of thankfulness, because I am thankful for our earth, and I wish to be its friend. I would like to spread a love for our earth’s wild places. If you click on the Artists 4 Peace logo, it will take you to their home page.

Artists 4 Peace

43 thoughts on “Cairn for the Sea

  1. Pingback: Cairn for the Sea | Artists4Peace
  2. Brenda, I enjoyed the poem, it made sense to me, and it read right for me. Thank you for sharing it and of course the picture from which it grew. Take care, Bill


  3. Really like this one – a lot! Great rhyming and flow and sentiment. Of course, all of your writing is good – I just happened to be one notch above too lazy today, (for now), and actually said so 😉


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