Visual Haiku: Robin’s Egg

Robin Egg Shell

What do you see?

I imagined a baby robin eating his first worm. I looked up baby robins, and I learned they are born with an egg tooth that disappears. They have no feathers, and their eyes are closed until at least three days pass. After three days, the primary feather sheaths begin to poke through the skin. I wonder if that hurts like when a baby teethes.

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham


Notes: A visual haiku is a photograph that implies the presence of something not there. For other visual haiku, click herehere and here.

Cornell Lab’s American Robin
Messinger Woods Guide to Development of a Baby Bird
Baby Robins in the Nest

34 thoughts on “Visual Haiku: Robin’s Egg

  1. Pingback: Visual Haiku: Still Life with Fungus | Friendly Fairy Tales
  2. Pingback: Visual Haiku: Fallen Leaf | Friendly Fairy Tales
  3. Pingback: Visual Haiku: Grandeur Grown | Friendly Fairy Tales
  4. That’s such an attractive pretty blue container to be delivered in! 🙂 Interesting that they have an egg tooth – handy escape tool – good job human babies don’t have such things!! And yes, I wonder – do they have feather pains – possible! 🙂


  5. Once a home, outgrown. Now a nest, for a fairy’s rest. ❤

    I keep three chickens – one of them is a black Silky, who's name is Mim. (or to give her her full title: The Magnificent, Marvelous, Mad, Madam Mim.) who's eggs are… blue! All my chickens eggs feel like gifts, (and I always say 'thank you' to my girls) but hers feel more like a gift from the chicken equivalent of Tiffany's. 😀 Bless her heart.


        • I am rewriting. Again. Sigh. I took it to a writer’s conference I attended in early May, and they gave me lots of good advice. 🙂 The original book I wrote is now 2 books (maybe three). 🙂

          In addition, I just finished a new unrelated book in a second series, and I’ve started another new in a third series.

          But I’d really like to finish this new draft of the first ever book I wrote.

          I’m looking hard for a publisher. Fingers crossed that one of these projects pans out.

          Meanwhile, I am in the world of birds again. Thinking like a bird.


          • How fascinating – good luck. I’ve been thinking about rewriting my first book too – I published it on Kindle and everyone who commented said it needed a sequel. Funny you should write about your writing experience today. Earlier today I planning my sequel.
            Book writing is so demanding – I’m still at the procrastinating stage but the ideas won’t leave me alone.
            How interesting you are thinking like a bird – does that mean you think about worms a lot? 🙂


  6. I see a beautiful beginning and want to believe the baby has grown and moved on and has babies of her or his own now.


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