Flash Fiction: Dogwood Manor

Pink dogwood blooms

“No, no, we cannot let in riffraff.” The countess was firm. “No exceptions. We have never taken a transfer student from a white dogwood school, and we never will.”

Petalline’s head drooped, hiding her defiant expression. Her wings fluttered angrily, though.

“We have empty places, my dear, and the young lady has no where else to go. She must go to school here near her Grand-maman.” Baron von Rimple-Dimple had a soft heart, but his sister was used to getting her way.

“Pink Dogwood Manor only takes the most select dogwood fairies. Pink Dogwood Fairies!”

“My dear she has studied at the renowned Paris École des Beaux Arts in the Cornouiller Blanc class. What can be more select than that?”

Petalline the Dogwood Fairy carefully did not meet the eye of the Baron, who was pink-washing her background. Cornouiller Blanc simply meant White Dogwood, but the Baron knew his sister well. Her snobbery was only exceeded by her ignorance of French. She would never admit to not knowing anything.

“Petalline, I am happy to say we have an opening.” The countess gushed, quite overlooking that she had called Petalline “riffraff” only moments before. “You may start your classes tomorrow. Welcome to Pink Dogwood Manor.”

Petalline however, did not forget having been called riffraff. Later that term, when someone turned the entire manor white, only the Baron guessed who was responsible. The Countess merely had hysterics until all the petals were returned to their pink glory. Petalline felt the books had been balanced, and she was a model student thereafter.


white dogwood



54 thoughts on “Flash Fiction: Dogwood Manor

  1. Pingback: Flash Fiction : Feelin’ Chipper | Keyboard Pizza
  2. Pingback: Flash Fiction: Blast of the Past | Keyboard Pizza
  3. Well, that will teach her call people riff-raff !!! 😉 I love these trees you have, they’re simply gorgeous – I want them in my garden now!! 😀 Are they all in one garden? I think I just love trees when they’re in blossom, makes me feel like the world is a perfect place to live. Pity they can’t blossom all year round, they would look so good with snow on! 🙂


    • Their bloom is short, but glorious. Those trees are a mile apart at least! LOL I really wanted to use them in something. I was happy to find a way to do it. 🙂


  4. Brenda, at some point you will have touched every flower, bush, and tree in our yard in Northern Virginia. We had a dogwood right outside the front door. When we moved in it looked like 2 trees in the same hole, and that is exactly what happened. They planted 2 trees which grew up together, both dogwoods, one white the other pink. as they grew their trunks wrapped around each other, so when it blossomed we had a beautiful mix of while and pink flowers. I truly loved that tree. Take care, Bill


    • Oh, that tree does sound lovely. I wanted to write a post with both pink and white, I love them so. I wish I could see that tree, entwined and blooming. It must be something. I hope whoever bought your house loves it and is taking care of it. Many of the trees in my yard have seen many owners. I planted some myself, one for each of my kids. It’s fun to watch them grow.


        • I had liked it, but have been running all over all weekend and didn’t have time to stop and comment. 🙂 Now I’m being called to dinner! Hugs, Brenda


            • Oh my yes. I’m setting a new style in being behind. On the other hand, my chapter book redraft is nearly done and ready to fledge. Fly away, fly away MS. Then I’ve decided to work on a YA novel. EEK! I don’t know when I’ll be surfacing from this madness, but I’m enjoying it at least. 🙂 Cheers, Brenda


            • *LAUGHING* You sound like me. Too many irons in the fire. EEK! Is right! All my very best to your book. Please let me know when it is published so that I may purchase it. (((HUGS))) Amy


            • Oh, from your lips to God’s ears! I am trying my very best. Publishers aren’t interested in self-published material. I am trying the traditional route. An editor at the writer’s conference I went to liked my characters, tone and voice. I was so happy. She doesn’t do chapter books, though, so I have to keep looking for the right fit now that I’ve redrafted.


            • Again, you are in my prayers. You deserver books of yours to be published. Your stories are so good. May the Faeries see your plight and work magic on your behalf. (smile) xxx Amy


          • Oh, Brenda, that person is SO tired right now she is ready to crash standing up. I even took the weekend off from here. I’m wrapping things up to get to bed early. Bless you for who YOU are, and know that I am so touched by you every time we talk and every time I go to your blog. Thank you, Brenda. Love, Amy


            • I’m tired, too. And I pulled a muscle in my back. An important one that I didn’t know existed. Agony every time I try to use my arm. Sigh for my aging body. I wish I had more wisdom when I was younger.


            • Brenda, I will send you healing energy and keep you in my prayers. Hindsight…. All the wishing in the world won’t erase the fact, that yep, these bods of ours are aging. I wouldn’t wish pain on anyone. Have you seen a chiropractor, a doctor, or even a massage therapist? Anything in the back is agony. You don’t know until something goes wrong for that is when you realize any movement in any part of the body effects your back. (((HUGS))) ….GENTLE ones. Amy


            • I’ll try. Take care of yourself and don’t overdo it gardening. 🙂 I love seeing things I planted coming up year after year. It’s a joy to smell the lilacs I planted. 🙂 Hugs, Brenda


            • The lilacs have just begun to bloom here, Brenda. Not my French Lilac, but my neighbors’. I got some shots of it last evening and in so doing got a faint aroma of lilac. OH, heaven in a moment. xx


            • Mmm, I planted lilacs under a window when I first moved here, and the scent blowing into my house, so lovely. Transporting. Hugs, Brenda


            • Brenda, I can’t wait. I have 7 bushes total, and some are directly in line with a door or a window. If it wasn’t so breezy I’d be going for a walk in the neighborhood with my camera to see what I can photograph. I don’t want to miss anything. I noticed many flowering trees and am thinking of taking the car around to those trees, stop and ask the owners if I can take pics. With a macro it is up close and personal. (smile) ENJOY those lilacs, a scent straight from heaven!!! xx


            • I was hoping to get a good shot of wisteria, which is in bloom now, but so far no luck. 🙂 Good luck with your macros! Hugs, Brenda


            • Thank you, Brenda. Weariness won out today so no macros. Perhaps tomorrow. Besides it is still too breezy out so today was a good day to chill. Good luck with the Wisteria! xx


  5. Bravo! Love the name Petalline, and the whole concept of the story. Truly enjoyed it, and as usual I am a bit miffed that there is not more to read 🙂 Peace. ~ Michael


    • Aw, what a nice thing to say! I try to keep them short these days because we all read so much already. It’s harder to write them short actually. 🙂 I guess if enough people are interested in Petalline, I could write about her some more. 🙂


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