White Wakerobin: Alliterative Haiku

White Wakerobin, Trillium in New England

found in a forest
longing for large, long-tongued bees
tranquil trillium

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: This haiku is Alliterative, which means that its words start with the same letter.

Reference: https://gobotany.newenglandwild.org/species/trillium/grandiflorum/

37 thoughts on “White Wakerobin: Alliterative Haiku

  1. Pingback: sky sigh | julesgemstonepages
  2. Thanks for showing me this Alternative haiku form. I might just try it tomorrow. My short verse site is turning out to be an intro to short forms month 😉

    I like those large blossoms with three petals! Your verse is nice too 🙂


  3. Oh so wonderful Brenda! Both the Haiku and the sweet flower photo! .-) I needed some sweetness today 🙂 Big hugs to you my Fairy Friend! 🙂


  4. Brenda, I do appreciate the pictures, more than I care to admit. I miss that aspect of living in the north. But as much as I miss it, I would not return north to live. Florida is much more to my liking. But thank you so very much for the constant reminders. Take care, Bill


    • Bill, You are welcome to look and not long for life up here. I love to look at other places, too, but I love my home, and would not want to leave it, despite the cold winters and long, rainy days. Today was another glorious day. And we don’t have killer bees! 🙂 Cheers, Brenda


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