41 thoughts on “Canada Goose Haiku

  1. Pingback: Do YOU Have The Sense Of A Goose? – The Militant Negro™
  2. Pingback: Do YOU have the Sense of a Goose? | ADD . . . and-so-much-more
  3. Pingback: The Goose Story | ADD . . . and-so-much-more
  4. Hey Brenda —

    Thanks for taking the time to pop over to ADDandSoMuchMore to read “Top Ten LOUSY Product Designs . . .” (and especially for “liking” it to let me know you’d been there).

    I came here after Googling you — since the photo-let among the “likes” like jumps to Gravitar — with no live link to your blog. You must add one! Thankfully, I found you easily, right at the top of the list for “friendlyfairytales.”

    Given how I found you, I was expecting to find a fairy tale once I landed. I was delighted by what I found instead.

    Ever since I tripped across The Goose Story by Dr. Harry Clarke Noyes, many years ago now, it has been my North Star — so I was thrilled to see the picture and to read the haiku. Always far too wordy for the form, I have written only one (an assignment). It’s not bad, but I’ve never been called to do it again — and especially not after reading the dueling haiku here!

    The Goose Story is on my blog, if you’re not familiar with it. It is introduced by “About Values and The Goose Story,” which details why it is special to me. The link to the verse is at the bottom of that post. After more than 25 years, it still inspires me to read it.

    It’s almost dawn and I simply MUST put myself to bed, but I plan to add a link to this post at the bottom of that one as soon as I cross a couple of things off my list otherwise.

    I’ll ping you when it goes live — or leave a comment, if you don’t have pings enabled.

    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
    – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
    “It takes a village to educate a world!”


  5. I love this!
    as my momma goose decided to build her nest outside my cottage door, she has been setting on it for 6 days now..
    I think magick is being woven under her…
    Wonderful Brenda…!
    Take care…You Matter…Have a Hreat weekend

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love to hear them honk honk when they leave in the Fall too., flying in a perfect V. When I lived in Toronto I liked them less…there are soooo many. Hey hold up traffic sometimes…literally crossing the street in the West part where I lived near Humber Park. But since I have come back to Quebec I like them again…hehe.

    Liked by 1 person

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