Fairy Tale Clerihew

Shadows of Grass

The first of Three Little Pigs
distained using twigs
and built from straw.
Big Bad Wolf laughed when he saw.

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham

Inspired by Paint the World with Words weekly poetry prompt, a Clerihew, which is a 4-line rhyming poem, aabb, generally about a famous person introduced in the first line. Here are two famous Clerihew by the originator of the form, Edmund Clerihew Bentley:

Said Sir Christopher Wren
 I`m having lunch with some men,
If anyone calls,
Say I`m designing St Paul`s.

The digestion of Milton
Was unequal to Stilton.
He was only feeling so-so,
When he wrote Il Penseroso.



27 thoughts on “Fairy Tale Clerihew

  1. Pingback: Pee-U, A Clerihew! | Friendly Fairy Tales
  2. Pingback: “The Be Inspired Weekly” writing challenge #23 | Paint the world with words
  3. Wow! This is wonderful! I like how you tried a chained clerihew and challenged yourself to write a bigger story! I enjoyed the scene, the imagery and must say, you did a brilliant job with this. I am so happy indeed! Thank you for your participation 🙂



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