Making Spirits Bright


I hope you are all warm, safe and surrounded by love and magic this holiday season! May all the snow that falls be light, fluffy and shining like diamonds. May your dreams shine like the stars, and your dearest wishes come true. Joy to the World!! Merry Christmas!!

Warmly, Brenda 


72 thoughts on “Making Spirits Bright

    • Thanks, girl, love the new Kate Spade inspired Keds. What a delicious smile you must get when you look at your toes in those cute things. 🙂 Love the gingerbread hello kitty, too. 🙂

      Happy, happy holidays! Brenda


  1. Merry Christmas to you Brenda – I hope you had a great day! I had a lovely day with the extended family, nice to come home with no clearing up to do, apart from finding places to put all the presents!! 😀 But no snow yet! 😐

    You asked me something on the community page on Jottify, something about creating a profile post? Did you mean your own profile page with your posts, or did you mean about creating a post on the community page – wasn’t sure which you meant? You have a profile page with your picture added, so that’s fine, but creating a post on the community page, I think you just click the bit at the top of the page that says create a post, but you have to be already signed in to see that option. Oh, and don’t forget to press the update on your post sometimes (accessed from the ‘Write’ page and click edit, then update button on the actual post) otherwise not many people will be aware of your posts. It sends it to the top of the ‘Read’ page. Handy if you update a post in any way, but we all use it on there regardless of any change to the posts, just as a way of ‘advertising the work, new and old. Everyone comes to the ‘Read’ page to find new work and discover others they’ve missed. Hope that’s of some use! 🙂


  2. Well,My dear friend Brenda. I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas day and that you managed to get that Piano working,in time for a xmas sing song? Have a fabulous day today. Much love and Blessings, Adam


  3. Wishing You and yours a Day of Magick
    within Merriest of Christmas…
    May you be granted Faerie Wishes
    May you feel touched by love within the Butterfly Kisses…
    Take care…You Matter…


    • We indeed had a magical day filled with companionship, love, smiles, good will, playing and joy. We even played piano and sang, a little Rudolph. 🙂 I hope your day was as lovely or even more so, with wolf affection and steadfast love. 🙂 Blessings, Brenda


    • Thanks! Having a great day so far! My four year old daughter is wearing her superwoman cape and examining all the labels under the tree. 🙂 LOL My kids crack me up! Brenda


  4. Brenda,

    Thank you for such a sweet Christmas greeting. I appreciate it greatly and hope you and yours have a wonderful safe and joyful Christmas as well. Take care, Bill


    • Bill, So far so good! My daughter is building ships to take fishies up to the sky (I don’t ask why) and my boys are watching cartoons, playing music and laughing like loons. My piano tuner comes again in a couple of hours. Wish me luck!! And I have more cookies to bake. 🙂 Stay warm and be happy! Hugs, Brenda


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