Golden Path Etheree

Golden Woodland Path

Citrine dream.
Windy swirling,
Gold honey blizzard,
Swirls of a fairy’s cloak.
Restless spirits soar higher
With each dancing leaf falling down
To the shifting, shadowy hemline.
Surfeit of beauty looking at fall’s gown.

Copyright 2013 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: This poem is an Etheree, starting with one syllable on the first line and increasing to ten, one syllable per line.

54 thoughts on “Golden Path Etheree

  1. This shaped poem has it all encapsulated in it! I always like the words “citrine” and “honey” in because I picture the color and the mood of sweetness, too. The gown reference is excellent, Brenda!


    • Thank you! It was a delicious moment. I’m so happy the blog lets me share them. I walked by that same spot today, and all the leaves had fallen, and it was a totally different universe.


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