Golden Path Etheree

Golden Woodland Path

Citrine dream.
Windy swirling,
Gold honey blizzard,
Swirls of a fairy’s cloak.
Restless spirits soar higher
With each dancing leaf falling down
To the shifting, shadowy hemline.
Surfeit of beauty looking at fall’s gown.

Copyright 2013 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: This poem is an Etheree, starting with one syllable on the first line and increasing to ten, one syllable per line.

Humongous Fungus


Oh, silly us, we once met a fungus that was simply humongous.
Feeling bilious, we returned home telling tales of delicious bling-bling-gus.


Another day, not far from home, we were quite alone; we chanced to see
Proof that no gargantuan fungus ever would be aloof from my friend or me.

Lest you fear that the last humongous fungus had done for us
We’re pleased to confide (nothing to hide) another rippling dalrymple soon stunned us.


Copyright 2013 Brenda Davis Harsham