25 thoughts on “Morning Haiku

  1. Aha! A “citrine cloud castle” is exactly where my fairy lives (she’s always so evasive about her domicile, but now I know her secret)! I would live there too, given half a chance. ^_^


  2. Look at you, Brenda! 86 friends to “like” this beautiful post! Your descriptions are “epic” and I am in awe of your ability to use words to paint “castles in the air!” You are deserving to get published in book form!


    • Thanks, Robin, I know! I am often amazed at how many people like my haiku. Or at least my photos. Or both, and I am overjoyed that they do. I am amazed I am writing poems again, I haven’t really written much poetry since college. I did have poetry published in high school and college, but after, I stopped writing. I’m happy to be writing again. Would people buy a book of nature photos and haiku? I certainly have a lot in me…


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