Salute to the Veterans Haiku

MLM Military PicJMD Annapolis Graduation Pic

serving their country with pride
believing in us

Whether your words are many or few,
say hello to the ones nearest you.

Copyright 2013 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: Photographs are of my parents,
before they married, long before I was born,
when they both served their country.
(I love you!!)

Published Fairy Tale, Part 2

On October 22, Friendly Fairy Tales announced the publication of a new, previously-unpublished story, The Day the Dragon Flew up the Chimney, on The Paperbook Collective October 2013 Issue 3.


Click to read Part 1. As promised, here is the Final Part:

Henry decided he’d better keep an eye on the dragon, so he followed it closely. The dragon was flitting from chair leg to chair leg. He would hop up onto chair arms or tables and eat the food right off people’s plates and drink the tea right out of people’s cups. Everyone was so busy talking that no one noticed a thing.

Then the miller’s wife reached for one of her cookies, only to find that it had disappeared. “That’s odd,” she said.

“Miss Miller, Ma’am,” said Henry. “A dragon has eaten your cookies.” Meanwhile the dragon had moved on to Phileas Farmer’s plate.

“Henry!” scolded his mother. “Stop telling fibs and don’t filch people’s cookies. Now for the last time, go and play. Honestly.”

“But Mama,” protested Henry. Sadly, his mother just shook her head at him and waggled her finger. If his mother wouldn’t believe him, who would? Henry watched as the tiny dragon plundered the room of its teacakes, its cookies, its biscuits and its tea with cream. A hum of conversation arose as more and more villagers were puzzled to discover empty plates and cups. Henry wondered how such a tiny dragon could eat so much.

Then the dragon had the temerity to steal from his father’s plate, and that was more than Henry could bear. “Daddy, Daddy,” cried Henry. “The dragon is stealing your biscuits!” The whole room stopped to stare at Henry. Henry’s father seemed very embarrassed.

“Henry, I told you not to fib!” cried his mother, standing up.

“But I’m not!” Henry replied.

“Then where is the dragon,” asked the mayor with one last laugh. Henry pointed at the hearth where the dragon perched, fickety-mickety finishing up the last chocolate from the plate of Mrs. Farmer. The fire had died down a little, but he was still clearly visible against the glow.

When the dragon noticed everyone staring at him, he gulped down the cookie and flew straight up the chimney.

Everyone gave a gasp, and the mayor and several aldermen raced over to try to look up the chimney. No one could see anything for the fire and the smoke.

Henry’s mother and father came and gave him hugs and apologized for doubting him. The villagers all patted his shoulders and told him how brave he had been. He was the village hero thereafter. And when Henry grew up, they elected him mayor. To this day they tell stories of the day the dragon flew up the chimney.


Copyright Brenda Davis Harsham April 1, 2005

Fairy Tale Alert!

Fairy Tale Alert: A blogger friend has published a Christmas fairy tale, March of the Toymakers. Woo-hoo! I love to hear about new fairy tales and bloggers publishing!!

Author and Blogger Julianne Victoria

Author and Blogger Julianne Victoria

I read her book, and it’s an adventurous elvish story full of magic, color and steadfast loyalty. Nissa is chosen by Santa to go on an epic journey to save Christmas. He sees wonders, makes new friends and saves Christmas itself. The story is full of great imagery, delightful language and magical creatures of all varieties.

Author Bio:  Julianne Victoria is a spiritual counselor and writer, who has always felt a strong connection to nature and the spirit world,  so writing fairy tales seemed like a natural progression for her writing. The March of the Toymakers is the first in a series of children’s fairy tales. It is based on an original story written thirty years ago by her father, Robert Thomas, who also drew the artwork that was used for the cover of the book. Julianne remembers when she a little girl listening with awe and excitement as her father would read portions of his original story to her and her siblings, and she now has enjoyed re-writing and condensing the original epic into an exciting fairy tale adventure to share with children all over the world.
Synopsis of the story:  The March of the Toymakers follows the journey of Santa’s chief elf, Nissa, on his quest to save Christmas. Santa barely has enough elves to make enough toys for all the children of the world, so he sends Nissa on a mission to find the Fair Feather Maid, who will help them recruit an army of elves to become toymakers.However, there are many challenges along the way, from solving riddles and breaking pixie spells to fighting off ogres, trolls, and goblins, all of whom wish to prevent the army of toymakers from making it back to Santa’s Village in time. If they do not make it back by Midsummer’s Eve, they will not have enough time to make all the toys that bring Christmas joys.
Order here or Amazon or Barnes & Noble, also:Amazon CanadaAmazon UKAmazon India, and other international Amazon stores.