For Caregivers on Halloween: Grandmother Tree


Young maples trees blossom with hectic autumn color
Where they shelter under the high arching limbs
Of the deep-rooted grandmother tree.

Lovely, steady grandmother tree, slow to change,
Thick bark insulates and shields her from the cold,
Only showing golden and claret touches high up.

One by one, her bright leaves sigh and let go,
Lightly drifting down to caress her young for a moment.
Finally on the earth, their leaves mingle and embrace.

This Halloween, be like the grandmother tree.
Gather the rain, slow the wind, your roots entwined.
Let your children bloom and thrive, safe in your care.

Copyright 2013 Brenda Davis Harsham

Boston Strong in Five Haiku

Elated fans cheer
Balm for a Battered Boston
Thank you Red Sox team!!!

Bushy beards, bald heads
Psychological mind games
Cast iron focus

Outfield solid state
John Lackey dominated
Closer’s glove held high

Yeah Red Sox Nation
First World Series Fenway win
since 1918

Your day will come, too
Great Saint Louis Cardinals
All New England glows…







Copyright 2013 Brenda Davis Harsham