Bottomless Treasure Haibun


My memory is a bottomless treasure trove, full of beloved moments. Photographs are the jewels, the pieces of eight, the doubloons. One day in early summer, we visited the Bronx Zoo, and my children were enchanted with the animals. We rode the Wild Asia Monorail, and heard about deer and buffalo species protected from extinction. Some of the animals were extinct in their natural habitat and were reintroduced to the wild from the Zoo’s protected herds, which had thrived in a large enclosure for over a hundred years.

Zebras, giraffes, deer,
Species preserved from the past,
My children held rapt.

Copyright 2013 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: This was prepared for this week’s Ligo Haibun prompt, treasure.

30 thoughts on “Bottomless Treasure Haibun

  1. Endearing and beautiful memories shared – thank you for taking me along. I would dare to say I could almost feel you smiling as the haibun was being written, Brenda – so uplifting and positively charged. 🙂


  2. Treasured moments, never to be forgotten – nothing better than a child’s face lit up with happiness, and watching childrens’ faces seeing animals there, in front of them. Thanks very much Brenda


    • Yes, you have to hang on to the good memories. It takes real effort, but it’s worth visiting those memories often. Thanks for visiting and commenting, Ye Pirate. 🙂 Warmly, Brenda


    • They all remember the Bronx Zoo fondly. Some of my friends with kids their ages tell me their kids are done with zoos, but mine still like them. I like the walking around and happy expressions.


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