Turning One Hundred

It takes a long time to become young.
— Pablo Picasso


Welcome to my hundredth post, a different kind of fairy tale today,
dedicated to someone well loved
who turned one hundred last Friday.

He was grumpy, nearly blind, taking small steps with a walker,
but still his blessings outnumber his age:

1, 2, living at home, loved a ton, it’s true,
3, 4, great-grandchildren with glee, smile at the door,
5, 6, grandson fixing, moving wires, contriving to be helpful in the mix,
7, 8, 9, an elder throne, a comfy chair with full recline,
10, a son and daughter-in-law afar, skyping in the den,
20, 30, a daughter bearing gifts, pretty and flirty.
40, 50, pets to feed and stroke, warm and caring, nifty
60, 70, cabbage rolls and kibbe by his recipe made lovingly,
80, 90, 100, satisfied with life, not feeling dread,
101 is coming, willy nilly, don’t be silly, he can’t run!

We’ll hope to be there to share again in the fun.

We love you, Grandpa!

Here are his dog, Freckles, a sunset from his birthday and one perfect yellow rose from his garden:


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And here’s a new video dedicated to this amazing man, whose magical long life is a fairy tale itself.

Copyright 2013 Brenda Davis Harsham

77 thoughts on “Turning One Hundred

  1. Congratulations…it has taken me 10 years to decide that these are the best years of my life, I am free to do as I wish (within limited income) write daily all day and night if I wish; stay in, go out, give unwanted advise, and look back on not a perfect life but one filled with all of the senses, taste and experiences possible. I am looking forward to my 100 birthday, 25 years from now! We are slow, but we hold a world full of wisdom free…it only needs to be ask for and we will happily pass it on. Thank you for sharing. My little fellow “Mason” and I enjoyed the words and pictures. Ann


  2. Oh, lovely tribute to a long lived man!! 😀 Must be strange to be that age in this digital, computer, quite mad world! We’ve had some relatives in our family almost reach 100, but never quite got there – yet! 😉


  3. Congratulations, my friend and thank you for sharing with us this amazing 100th post!

    Have a lovely Friday and a wonderful weekend coming ahead, always~ Cheers!! 😀


  4. Such a wonderful #100 post! I enjoyed your thoughts and the photos are so touching, Brenda! You will be blogging for 100 more in no time! I am in awe of the video and your Grandfather’s life! The cat was precious, too. Music was the “piece de resistance!” (not the way it is spelled, right? Smiles!)


    • Those animals are the whole center of his life. They lavish all their affection and attention on him, and love him to pieces. He’s a lucky man. His dog, Freckles, is 15! My son and his teacher improvised that music. She was playing a blues progression, and Theo improvised on top after learning the progression in a week. Thanks for commenting! Brenda


  5. Wow! I can’t imagine being 100!
    Grandpa is so lucky to have such a loving family and of course a furry friend to share life with is a requirement in my world 😀
    Happy bday g-pa!


    • Freckles and he are two old dogs, each move slowly and neither get more than a few feet away from each other. Freckles won’t eat his food if Grandpa isn’t there.


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