44 thoughts on “October Haiku

    • Good question, and I don’t know the answer. But I don’t worry about bettering it. Each Haiku is to me like a brush stroke on the canvas of my life, all adding together into a painting more beautiful than any particular individual moment. Some of the brush strokes recede to let others shine. I enjoy your brushstrokes, too. Warmly, Brenda


  1. This us such a great photo in so many ways….the mist, the dew on the spiderweb, the house colour and shape and the overall composition. Halloween summed up in one perfect photo. Well caught Brenda, oh and the haiku is great too 🙂


  2. Happy October, my friend!

    May this month be a wonderful and inspiring one for you and your loved ones!

    Take care and be well, always~ Cheers!! 😀


    • Yeah! It was so foggy this morning, but of course fog is fickle, and hides when you try to get a picture. 😉 It did leave its mark on all the spider webs around.


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